L'Oréal mobilises for women's financial education
Financial education is a powerful tool for planning for the future, and an invaluable way to empower women to combat the various inequalities they face.
On May 30, 2024, L'Oréal's Individual Shareholder Relations team organized a conference with ViveS Media on the theme “Investing, why not me” in the iconic setting of Le Visionnaire, the historic headquarters of L'Oréal Groupe. Sybille Lemaire, Executive Director of the Bayard Group, and Valérie Lion, Editor-in-Chief of ViveS Media, presented the results of the ViveS-IFOP barometer Femmes et l'argent (women and money) to some sixty professional women, entrepreneurs, students, shareholders and L'Oréal employees, and suggested key ways to save, invest and take one's financial destiny in hand.
L'Oréal has supported ViveS Media for the past 4 years, relaying its observations and reflections on the relationship of women with money.
"Invest, why not?" - a webcast powered by L'Oréal Individual Shareholder Relations team
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