L’Oréal announces the signing of an agreement for the acquisition of Takami Co, a japanese company that markets the Takami skincare brand
Clichy, 23 December 2020 – L’Oréal announces the signing of an agreement to acquire the Japanese company Takami Co. This company develops and markets products licensed by the skincare brand Takami, owned by Doctor Hiroshi Takami, founder of two eponymous dermatological clinics in Tokyo. On this occasion, L’Oréal also renewed a very long term brand licensing agreement with Doctor Takami and signed a collaboration contract with the Takami clinics. This acquisition should be completed in the next few weeks.
The Takami brand, founded in 1999, is a premium skincare brand, expert in peeling, based on the know-how of the famous eponymous dermatological and aesthetic clinics established in the Omotesando district of Tokyo. The brand is particularly famous for its iconic product, the Skin Peel pre-serum, also called the "Little Blue Bottle" by Asian women. Mainly available in Japan and in some Asian countries, notably in China where it enjoys strong appeal, the brand is marketed through an omnichannel distribution: mostly in e-commerce, in particular by subscription, as well as in selective distribution. The brand achieved sales revenue of about €50M in 2019 and continues its growth this year despite difficult market conditions due to Covid-19 impacts.
Cyril Chapuy, President of L’Oréal Luxe, comments on this acquisition: “We are very pleased to welcome the Takami brand into our portfolio. Its reputation in Asia matches the remarkable quality of its products. Its expertise in prestigious beauty treatments and its omnichannel distribution make it a very complementary brand within L’Oréal Luxe."
Jérôme Bruhat, President of L'Oréal Japan, says: “The Takami brand teams led by Mr. Okamura have been able to build a strong reputation in skincare expertise, a unique visual identity and a core group of loyal customers in Japan. These are the pillars of the brand’s success that we will grow further in the future.”
Yuji Okamura, President and Owner of Takami Co, declares: “Born from the expertise of the aesthetic and dermatological Takami clinics, our products provide the quality and the efficacy expected by the most demanding Japanese consumers. After 21 years of growth in Japan, we are thrilled to join the L’Oréal Group, the world’s leading beauty company, which will allow us to develop our brand thanks to its scientific and international expertise.”
About L'Oréal
L’Oréal has devoted itself to beauty for over 100 years. With its unique international portfolio of 36 diverse and complementary brands, the Group generated sales amounting to 29.87 billion euros in 2019 and employs 88,000 people worldwide. As the world’s leading beauty company, L’Oréal is present across all distribution networks: mass market, department stores, pharmacies and drugstores, hair salons, travel retail, branded retail and e-commerce.
Research and innovation, and a dedicated research team of 4,100 people, are at the core of L’Oréal’s strategy, working to meet beauty aspirations all over the world. L’Oréal sets out ambitious sustainable development goals across the Group for 2030 and aims to empower its ecosystem for a more inclusive and sustainable society.
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