L’Oréal announces the creation of a new Europe Zone to be led by Vianney Derville
Following the retirement of Alexandre Popoff, President of L’Oréal Eastern Europe Zone, L’Oréal creates a new Europe Zone to be led by Vianney Derville, currently President of L’Oréal Western Europe Zone.
Under his leadership, the two former zones of Western Europe and Eastern Europe will come together as one single Zone. This organizational change has been designed to put in place the optimum conditions to help drive future growth and represents the last stage in the reorganization of the Group’s Zone structure.
Vianney joined the Group in 1992, as a product manager in the Consumer Products Division in France for Lascad. In 1999, he was next appointed as General Manager for the CPD Division in Japan, a position he held for 4 years. Following his success in Japan, Vianney was subsequently appointed as General Manager for L'Oréal Spain in 2004.
After returning to Paris in 2007, Vianney held a number of different roles, culminating in being appointed Head of International CPD markets in 2013. Vianney then moved to the US in 2014 as head of the Consumer Products Division. Under his leadership, the CPD Division saw a significant return to growth in this highly competitive and strategic region.
Most recently, in 2016 Vianney was appointed President of the Western Europe Zone, and joined the Group’s Executive Committee. Over the past few years, he has successfully transformed the zone into a multi-division operating model, which has led to significant market share growth.
Commenting on his appointment, Nicolas Hieronimus, Chief Executive Officer of L’Oréal, explained: “Vianney’s wealth of experience and long-track record of driving sustainable business growth, make him the perfect choice for this highly strategic role. I am very excited to see these two former zones coming together under his leadership to help the Group better serve the needs of our consumers, retail partners and stakeholders, whilst having the flexibility to adapt to local specificities. I also want to thank Alexandre for the successful development of our businesses in Eastern Europe and for his overall contribution to the L’Oréal adventure.”
This appointment is effective July 1st, 2021.
About L'Oréal
L’Oréal has devoted itself to beauty for over 100 years. With its unique international portfolio of 35 diverse and complementary brands, the Group generated sales amounting to 27.99 billion euros in 2020 and employs 85,400 people worldwide. As the world’s leading beauty company, L’Oréal is present across all distribution networks: mass market, department stores, pharmacies and drugstores, hair salons, travel retail, branded retail and e-commerce.
Research and innovation, and a dedicated research team of 4,000 people, are at the core of L’Oréal’s strategy, working to meet beauty aspirations all over the world. L’Oréal sets out ambitious sustainable development goals across the Group for 2030 and aims to empower its ecosystem for a more inclusive and sustainable society.
More information: https://www.loreal.com/en/mediaroom/
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