Annual General Meeting on April 16, 2009 / 2008 Annual Report
Information available concerning the Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday, April 16, 2009 and the 2008 Reference Document.
Annual General Meeting set for April 16, 2009:
L'Oréal informs its shareholders that its Annual General Meeting will be held in the Carrousel du Louvre (99, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris) at 10 am on Thursday, April 16, 2009.
Information concerning this meeting was published in the BALO (Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires) on Friday, March 6, 2009 and includes the agenda, the draft resolutions and details on attending and voting. This notification about the meeting together with the Board of Directors' report on the draft resolutions is now available on the www.loreal-finance.com website (under Regulated Information / Annual General Meeting Documents).
Other documents and information concerning this meeting will be available to shareholders under legal and regulatory conditions once the invitation to attend is issued on March 27, 2009.
2008 Annual Report:
The 2008 Annual Report, in its capacity as Reference Document, was registered with the French Market Authorities on Friday, March 20, 2009. It is available free of charge to the public under current regulatory conditions and may be consulted at the www.loreal-finance.com website (under Regulated Information / Annual Report).
The Reference Document comprises the annual financial report, the report by the Chairman of the Board of Directors on the Board’s activities and on internal controls, the reports from the Auditors and their fees, the information required for the share buy-back programme, and the annual information document.
"This news release does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy L'Oréal shares. If you wish to obtain more comprehensive information about L'Oréal, please refer to the public documents registered in France with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, also available in English on our Internet site www.loreal-finance.com.
This news release may contain some forward-looking statements. Although the Company considers that these statements are based on reasonable hypotheses at the date of publication of this release, they are by their nature subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated or projected in these statements."
Contacts at L'Oréal
Individual shareholders and market authorities
Mr Jean Régis CAROF
Tel. : +
[email protected]
Financial analysts and institutional investors
Mrs Caroline MILLOT
Tel. : +
[email protected]
Tel. : +
[email protected]
Tél: +
For more information, please contact your bank, broker or financial institution (I.S.I.N. code: FR0000120321), and consult your usual newspapers, and the Internet site for shareholders and investors, http://www.loreal-finance.com, or its mobile version on your cell phone, http://mobile.loreal-finance.com; alternatively, call +