L'Oréal wins special "Shareholder and Social Responsibility" prize
L’Oréal’s shareholder and social responsibility achievements have been recognised in the first Share Grand Prix awards, organised by Mieux Vivre Votre Argent in partnership with Vigeo, an independent agency specialising in corporate social responsibility.
The editorial team of French personal finance magazine Mieux Vivre Votre Argent has awarded the L’Oréal group a special “Shareholder and Social Responsibility” prize in its Best Companies for Shareholders awards. The magazine has this year created the Share Grand Prix awards in partnership with Vigeo, an independent corporate social responsibility rating and evaluation agency.
The award recognises in particular the social commitments made by L’Oréal in the human resources field to ensure respect for human rights and for the environment. It also stresses the links the group is building with its individual shareholders. As the magazine puts it: “With a dozen staff in its shareholder relations department, more than ten meetings organised each year, and now an increased dividend for registered shareholders, the 200,000 or so individual shareholders will have no complaints about the treatment they receive.”
The competition participants are amongst the “Top 100” companies followed by Mieux Vivre Votre Argent. They are the largest market capitalisations and the most active companies on the Paris stock exchange.
L’Oréal is included in most of the major sustainable development indices. The group is also one of the 100 most sustainable companies in the world, selected by an independent jury set up by Innovest, the most important non financial rating agency for companies, and Corporate Knights.
The magazine presented the special prize on November 20 at the Actionaria stock market fair.
Christian Mulliez, Executive Vice-President Administration and Finance said:
“We are very happy to see that our initiatives for individual shareholders have been rewarded – particularly the loyalty bonus for our loyal shareholders. This prize encourages us to continue striving to achieve an ever closer relationship, based on trust and attentiveness to their views.”
November 23, 2009