Published on 18/09/2015
L'Oréal receives the Grand Prix for the Composition of its Board of Directors
At the Corporate Governance Grand Prix Awards organised by the French economic and financial newspaper AGEFI, L’Oréal received the Grand Prix for its composition of the Board of Directors.
By presenting this award, the AGEFI jury wished to recognise, in particular, the vast complementarity of the Board members’ skills and experiences, the increase in the number of women – 6 women out of 15 – and its openness to different nationalities.
The award ceremony took place on September 16, 2015 in the presence of Jean-Paul Agon, Chairman and CEO of L’Oréal, who said: “L’Oréal’s Board of Directors is made up of talented individuals, from different backgrounds who have extensive experience of the business. They pool their talents to support the development of L’Oréal through open-mindedness and dialogue.”
The organisation of L’Oréal’s Board is particularly suited to the particularities of its shareholding structure whilst guaranteeing the interests of all its stakeholders. Today, it includes: the Chairman and CEO, Jean-Paul Agon, five Directors appointed by the Group’s main historical shareholders – the Bettencourt Meyers family and Nestlé –, seven independent Directors and, since 2014, two Directors who represent the employees. All ensure that the work of the Board is carried out on a collective basis with a common objective: the long-term development of the Group.