L'Oréal receives 2nd Prize at Capitalcom 2012 Annual General Meeting Awards
The CAC 40 Annual General Meeting of the Year Awards honour companies whose AGMs are in line with best corporate practices, on the basis of a set of around 100 criteria divided into 10 key themes, including the presentation of strategy and business segments, the quality of explanations about social and environmental responsibility, corporate governance and the quality of debate.
This year, L’Oréal’s AGM received the 2nd Prize, after being awarded 1st Prize on two occasions, in 2010 and 2006. This award was made particularly in recognition of the address given on the importance of innovation in the group’s strategy. The jury also noted the quality of the presentation made by Jean-Paul Agon on the extra-financial targets and indicators. Finally the attention given to individual shareholders was also highlighted, as well as the highly pedagogical nature of the information.
July 5, 2012