News & event 09 October 2019

L'Oréal receives the 2019 Transparency Grand Prix All Categories

At the 10th ceremony of the Grands Prix de la Transparence, on 2 October, the L'Oréal group received the Transparency Grand Prix All Categories.

Since 2009, the Grands Prix de la Transparence award French SBF 120 companies for the quality of the regulated information provided. The aim is for companies to measure their transparency performance every year and identify best practices.

Christophe Babule, Chief Financial Officer, received the award alongside companies such as Valéo and Véolia Environnement. He explained that "Well beyond our regulatory obligations, at L'Oréal, we are convinced that all the financial and extra-financial information that we publish and enrich each year is a great opportunity to present and value our business model with all stakeholders."

In 2019, more than 50,000 data were collected, according to a methodology based on four pillars defined with the regulator:

  • Accessibility: how quickly comprehensive information can be found;
  • Accuracy: the nature of all regulatory content provided and the additional information to help understand it; 
  • Comparability: the possibility of making rapid comparisons between issuers through strict compliance with regulatory and market standards;
  • Availability: making all information available as soon as possible, in French and English, in all formats (print, digital ...) so as not to benefit one reader above another.

New for this year: the awards are open to companies outside of the SBF120, Asset Management and Insurance companies.

Laurent Rouyrès, President of Labrador and creator of the Transparency Grands Prix explained that "This year's Grands Prix awards are once again an opportunity to reward the educational and accessibility efforts made by companies and to measure all we have left to achieve in making business information accessible to all."