News & event 13 December 2019

L'Oréal receives the 2019 Gold Trophy for the best digital communication of French listed companies

On 12 December, L'Oréal had the honour of being awarded the 2019 Gold Trophy by Le Revenu for the best digital communication of French listed companies.

Highly committed to promoting individual shareholding, the newspaper, Le Revenu has awarded, as it has every autumn for six years, French CAC 40 and SBF 120 index companies, which best communicate with their audiences. The objective of this award is to encourage listed companies to strengthen the quality of their relationship with individuals. This year, L'Oréal was able to demonstrate the strength of its services offered to individual shareholders as well as ambitious digital communication tools thanks to its website, its L’Oréal Finance mobile application and the digital edition of the 2018 Annual Report.

The Group is very proud to have won this award, reflecting its commitment to the quality of its relationship with its individual shareholders. This distinction encourages the Group to maintain this proximity while demonstrating how it offers the best possible services thanks to innovation and modern technology.

On a day-to-day basis, L'Oréal's Financial Communication team is dedicated to creating dynamic, long-term relationships with its individual shareholders. This obviously goes hand-in-hand with digital because communication habits are changing: "Our financial information ecosystem is very diverse in order to best respond to our audiences, both with printed documents, but also amplified by our digital publications, which are being consulted more and more, particularly our L'Oréal Finance mobile application, perfectly suited to its audience" explained Claire SENAND, Director of Financial Information at L’Oréal.