Published on 04/12/2014
L'Oréal receives the 2014 Long-Term Performance Prize
At the 3rd Investor Awards ceremony organised by Boursorama and Morningstar, L'Oréal received the Long-Term Performance Prize based on the results of the 25,000 votes cast by individual and professional investors during a survey of the companies listed on the CAC 40 and fund management companies.
The Investor Awards aim to identify the stock market’s best practices in terms of financial communication, and to reward the listed companies and fund management companies that best meet the expectations of individual and institutional investors in terms of corporate governance, sustainable development, long-term performance, communication, and also innovation.
The online survey conducted by OpinionWay identified more than 320 listed companies and more than 320 fund management companies in France. In total, some 25,000 investors were able to comment on the criteria that influence their investment decisions, of which two-thirds were individuals and a third were professionals.
Sophie Gasperment, Group General Manager, Financial Communication and Strategic Prospective, said: "After receiving the 2013 Communication Prize, L'Oréal is proud to receive this new Investor Award, which recognises the Group’s long-term strategy. With more than a hundred years of experience, our company has always viewed its development over the long term. L'Oréal believes in long-term values, which is why in 2009 we introduced a dividend increase to reward the loyalty of shareholders who share in our growth. The results of our strategy are clearly visible: For more than 50 years, L'Oréal has been listed on the Paris Stock Exchange, and every year the company has paid its shareholders a dividend, which has never declined. Another example: since the creation of the CAC 40 in 1987, i.e., less than 30 years ago, L'Oreal’s capitalisation has multiplied by 30.
This distinction awarded by individual and professional investors demonstrates the strength of our business model, which creates value, and the vision of our Group to achieve profitable and sustainable growth.”