Published on 20/03/2015
L'Oréal launches its first digital edition of the Annual Report!
On March, 25, 2015, L’Oréal launched its first digital edition of the Annual Report.
Browse the 2014 digital edition
This innovative financial communication tool features extensive multimedia content including senior management interviews, strategic market insights and exclusive videos spanning innovations and brands. The four sections - Strategy, Performance, Brands and Expertise – of this 2014 digital Annual Report provides a comprehensive experience of L’Oréal’s activity and perspectives for investors, shareholders, journalists as well as for the general public and talents looking to join the group.
Sophie Gasperment, Group General Manager, Financial Communication and Strategic Prospective comments : "This first digital Annual Report is a new illustration of L’Oréal accelerating its digital transformation. Pioneer in financial communication with the first CAC 40 financial website and a mobile app - L’Oréal Finance, we now provide shareholders and investors with a digital Annual Report designed to be highly informative yet very intuitive to navigate."