Published on 02/10/2013
L'Oréal is awarded the Large Caps Grand Prix and the Registration Document Grand Prix
L’Oréal has unanimously been awarded the Large Caps and Registration Document prizes at the 4th Grands Prix for Financial Transparency
For four years now, the Grands Prix for Financial Transparency have awarded the best practices of 120 listed companies in terms of regulated financial information, and have assessed efforts made by the issuers in their determination to always achieve more financial transparency in the following areas: Accessibility, Accuracy, Comparability and Availability.
The awards honour French listed companies for producing the best financial communication resources in a background of increasingly stringent demands made by regulatory authorities and the different financial market players.
Amongst the six prizes, L’Oréal was unanimously selected by the Scientific Committee for the Large Caps Grand Prix as well as the Grand Prix for the Registration Document.
Thierry Prévot, Group General Manager, Financial Communications and Strategic Prospective Analysis said: "The loreal-finance.com website and the Registration Document are the main sources of information for investors, analysts and journalists. To receive this award, is a wonderful reward for the teams. The challenge is essential for us as it is a matter of trust between L’Oréal and its stakeholders; trust being one of the pillars of the L’Oréal Group’s value."
An independent scientific committee, composed of eight representatives of the principal French market players (Société Française des Analystes Financiers, Association Française de Gestion, Institut Français des Administrateurs, Association pour la Promotion de l’Actionnariat Individuel, Paris Europlace, Fédération des Investisseurs individuels et des Clubs d’investissement, Pôle universitaire Léonard de Vinci and NYSE Euronext) approved the 105 Transparency criteria, defined by the agency Labrador and used to objectively assess the transparency of four sources of financial information: the Registration Document, the Half-Year Financial Report, the financial regulatory section of the website and the Invitation to the AGM (new in 2013).