L'Oréal announces strong sales growth
- 11.2 billion euros:
+10.5% based on reported figures
+6.7% excluding currency fluctuations
+6.0% like-for-like
- Strong growth at L'Oréal Luxe
- A dynamic North America
- Strategic breakthroughs continue in Asia and Africa, Middle East
- Confidence in another year of solid growth in both sales and profits
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Commenting on the figures, Mr Jean-Paul Agon, Chairman and CEO of L'Oréal, said:
"L'Oréal recorded a good first half. In a market which reflects contrasting trends but is favourable overall, all branches, divisions and geographic zones achieved growth.
L'Oréal Luxe is confirming its very good performance, thanks to the major successes of Lancôme, Yves Saint Laurent, Kiehl's and the Designer Fragrances. Active Cosmetics is accelerating significantly, driven by its international dynamics. The Consumer Products Division has achieved solid growth. The rejuvenation of The Body Shop is generating more substantial growth.
The rise of the New Markets, now our number one geographic zone, is continuing, driven by the dynamism of Asia and Africa, Middle East. North America is growing fast, with large market share gains and the strategic acquisition of Clarisonic. Eastern Europe is continuing its recovery, and the group is improving its positions in the major countries of Western Europe.
The first half confirms the relevance of our strategic thrusts, and the innovative power of L'Oréal. Our initiatives plan is solid.
Despite the uncertain economic environment, we are confident in the group's ability to outperform the market in 2012, and to achieve another year of solid growth in both sales and profits."
July 26, 2012