L’Oréal announces a new strategic partnership with Israeli climate tech company BreezoMeter to uncover insights around exposome and skin
L’Oréal announces today a new multi-year research and tech partnership with one of the world’s most innovative and accurate climate tech companies, BreezoMeter. Based in Israel, BreezoMeter is a leader in the space of environmental information about air quality, pollen and fires. Its main goal is to improve the health and safety of billions of people worldwide by providing accurate and actionable environmental data and insights.
Through this multi-year partnership, L’Oréal and BreezoMeter will combine their expertise both in the science of aging and the environment with the aim to develop an exclusive beauty-driven exposome platform. The partnership will uncover new insights around how the environment effects skin aging, and ultimately provide new services to consumers that can accompany their skin needs all over the world with personalized routines and lifestyle advice.
“We are very excited to enter into this long-term and strategic partnership with BreezoMeter, a world leader in climate tech. In combining our historical expertise in skincare science with BreezoMeter’s innovative technology platform, we will provide our consumers all around the world new services and actionable advice in their skin routines to combat the effects of the environment,” says Barbara Lavernos, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, in Charge of Research, Innovation and Technology.
“Strengthening our collaboration with a world air quality leader BreezoMeter is crucial to unlock the links between skin aging and environmental exposures, such as allergens, UV, and pollution. This will allow us to provide new services that can bring the most precise and personalized skin routines, lifestyle advice, and ultimately help people live healthier lives in every external environment they live,” says Guive Balooch, Global Head of Research and Innovation’s Tech Incubator.
“At BreezoMeter we are thrilled to continue and grow our partnership with the world’s top beauty company, L’Oreal. Their deep values around science, tech, and innovation are very in line with ours around air quality and environmental sciences. We are very excited to see the two come together and bring new insight and products around the impact of the environment on skin aging,” declared Ran Korber, CEO of BreezoMeter.
About L’Oréal
L’Oréal has devoted itself to beauty for over 100 years. With its unique international portfolio of 35 diverse and complementary brands, the Group generated sales amounting to 27.99 billion euros in 2020 and employs 85,400 people worldwide. As the world’s leading beauty company, L’Oréal is present across all distribution networks: mass market, department stores, pharmacies and drugstores, hair salons, travel retail, branded retail and e-commerce.
Research and innovation, and a dedicated research team of 4,000 people, are at the core of L’Oréal’s strategy, working to meet beauty aspirations all over the world. L’Oréal sets out ambitious sustainable development goals across the Group for 2030 and aims to empower its ecosystem for a more inclusive and sustainable society.
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