News & event 17 November 2023

Dive into "The Value Creation Talks", a series of cross interviews about Finance hosted by Christophe Babule

Join Christophe Babule, L'Oréal Chief Financial Officer, in "The Value Creation Talks", a series of interviews exploring a different vision of Finance.

These discussions with committed players in the sector who share their convictions, their practices, their ideas and their experiences, aim to fuel our collective reflection on how to change the world through value creation. At L'Oréal, this is achieved by combining economic performance with environmental and social exemplarity.

In the latest episode, meet Marcello Palazzi, co-founder and co-chairman of B for Good Leaders.

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Watch the entire series:

Interview with Eva Sadoun co-founder of

Interview with Bertrand Badré, founder of Blue Like an Orange (part.1)

Interview with Bertrand Badré, founder of Blue Like an Orange (part.2)

Interview with Bertrand Badré, founder of Blue Like an Orange (part.3)