News & event 24 May 2019

A close relationship with individual shareholders

The number of individual shareholders holding their shares in registered form is increasing year by year. L'Oréal has a special relationship with them, further strengthened by the 10% loyalty bonus paid on registered shares held continuously for more than two calendar years.

To better understand their expectations, and improve the communication with them, L'Oréal created a Shareholder Consultation Committee in 2010, which meets four times a year. Before each Committee meeting, members are offered an immersive experience of the L'Oréal universe to help them understand the Group's strategic challenges. Visits to production sites and entities are organised, as well as meetings with the Chairman and CEO, or the Chief Financial Officer.
Two members of the Shareholder Consultation Committee talked to us about their relationship with L'Oréal at the 2018 Actionaria shareholder fair in Paris, in which L'Oréal was participating:

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Find out more in the 2018 Annual Report