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INVESTIR DAY, "Making sense of the Stock Market"
15 Nov 2021
L'Oréal took part in the third Investir Day expo this year, which was held online and in-person from 15 to 23 November, at Palais Brongniart in Paris under the banner "Making Sense of the Market". The event was a unique opportunity to meet and talk to individual shareholders, students and other participants to help them get to know L'Oréal, its strategy and its commitments.
- From November, 15 to 22 in digital :
Focus: MasterClass on Monday, November 15 at 5 pm with Laurent GILBERT, Sustainable Innovation Director of L'Oréal, on the theme « GreenSciences for a sustainable innovation » - Tuesday November 23 in person at the Palais Brongniart from 8:30 am to 6:30pm*:
Focus: Plenary at 11:50 with Christophe BABULE, CFO.