Accessibility assessment RGAA 4.0
Accessibility assessment
L’Oréal commits to making its web sites, intranet and extranet accessible in compliance with article 47 of the French law n°2005-102 of February 11th 2005.
This accessibility assessment applies to https://www.loreal-finance.com.
L’Oréal finance website is in total conformity with the French general accessibility enhancement framework (RGAA), version 4.0.
Evaluation results
Based on an evaluation done by Atalan, the L’Oréal Finance website meets 100% of accessibility criteria from the RGAA.
Derogations pour unreasonable workload
Updating all previously published PDF content to make them available to assistive technologies would represent an unreasonable amount of workload.
L’Oréal commits to train contributors to produce accessible PDF documents or to provide equivalent HTML versions of the PDF documents.
However, if a visitor didn’t find the accessible version of a document he can contact the team in charge of the website who will provide an accessible version a specific document on demand.
Content not subject to accessibility obligation
The Live share price module and the share price calculator are developed by a third party and L’Oréal cannot intervene in those tools code to make them more accessible.
The websites developed for each Annual Report until the 2018 Annual Report (https://www.loreal-finance.com/en/annual-report-2018/), are not subject to accessibility obligation as they were publish before the 23rd of September 2019 and cannot are not updated after publication.
Review process
This review was conducted on November the 27th, 2019.
Technologies used on L’Oréal finance website
- Javascript
Testing environment
The review was conducted using the tool and assistive technologies combination provided by the RGAA framework, using the following versions :
- Firefox 70.0.1 and NVDA 2019.2
- Internet Explorer 11 and JAWS 2018
- VoiceOver and Safari 12
Tools use to evaluate
- Contrast color Analyser
- Headings map
- Web developer toolbar
Pages included in the review
- Home page: https://www.loreal-finance.com/eng
- News & Events: https://www.loreal-finance.com/eng/news
- News article page: https://www.loreal-finance.com/eng/news-event/loreal-invests-biotech-through-minority-stake-carbios
- Financial Calendar: https://www.loreal-finance.com/eng/calendar
- Key dates: https://www.loreal-finance.com/eng/shareholders-corner-key-dates
- The Board of Directors: https://www.loreal-finance.com/eng/board-of-directors
- Site map : https://www.loreal-finance.com/eng/sitemap
- Contact and question : https://www.loreal-finance.com/eng/contacts-faq
- Search results : https://www.loreal-finance.com/eng/results?search=L%27or%C3%A9al
If you find yourself in a situation where cannot access a content or service due to a disability, you can contact the website’s team (contact@loreal-finance.com) that will guide you to or provide an accessible version.