Shareholder's Guide 2024/2025 Edition

Which shareholding solution suits you best?

Which shareholding solution suits you best?

Advantages of directly registered shares

If you would also like to benefit from free management and custody fees, as well as preferential brokerage and bank fees, you should choose to hold directly registered shares. However this is only possible outside a share savings plan (PEA)(1).

Registered shares and share savings plans

If you hold your L’Oréal shares in a share savings plan (PEA(1) ) and you would like to benefit from the advantages of holding registered shares, in particular the loyalty bonus, while keeping the tax advantages offered by the PEA, you should choose to hold managed registered shares.

Custody of your shares UPTEVIA Service Relations Investisseurs 90-110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle 92931 Paris La Défense Cedex, FRANCE Managed by your financial institution
Management of your shares Use the UPTEVIA secure website: orcall + 33 1 40 14 80 50 Managed by your financial institution
Management and custody fees trade order Free Depending on your financial institution’s fees
Trade order Placed online on the secure website or to be sent to UPTEVIA To be sent to your financial institution
Brokerage and bank fees

Discounted rates


  • Brokerage rate: 0.10% excl. VAT for all orders, no minimum.
  • Payment costs: free of charge for bank transfers (France or international), an additional €30 excl. VAT for all payments by cheque
Depending on you financial institution’s fees
Annual tax declaration     A single tax declaration form (IFU in French) concerning trading in L’Oréal shares only is sent to you by UPTEVIA A single tax declaration form (IFU in French) showing all the transactions on your share account is sent to you by your financial institution
Entitlement to loyalty bonus of +10% Yes, for shares that have been held in registered form continuously for two full calendar years at 31 December and until the date of payment of the dividend No
Notice to attend the Annual General Meeting Automatically receive the convening notice in paper form or in electronic form if you choose the e-invitation Convening notice available from your financial institution on request
L’Oréal and you Automatically receive the Letter to Shareholders and invitations to shareholder meetings in your region     Invitations and information available by email on request

(1) In French, Plan d’épargne en actions.