Shareholder's Guide 2024/2025 Edition

How to register or transfer your shares to registered form?

How to register or transfer your shares to registered form?

Regardless of your current situation, the registration of shares or conversion to registered shares is a two-step process.

You currently hold L’Oréal bearer shares and you wish to convert them to managed registered shares… Send your financial institution a request form(1) to register your shares as managed registered shares(2).

Your financial institution sends your registration form to UPTEVIA and continues to manage your account.

NB: The custodial fees for your registered shares may increase.

You currently hold L’Oréal bearer shares or managed registered shares and you wish to transfer them to directly registered shares…

Send your financial institution a request form(1) to transfer your shares to directly registered shares(2).

Please note: if you leave a PEA, you lose the corresponding tax benefits.

Your financial institution transfers your shares to UPTEVIA, which becomes your sole point of contact.

NB: Any fees for transferring your shares to registered form are reimbursed by L’Oréal, up to a maximum of €50, upon presentation of an invoice for fees.

You are not yet a L’Oréal shareholder and you wish to purchase directly registered shares…

Send UPTEVIA an agreement for account opening and stock market services(1) (COCPB in French).  

To be sent to: 

UPTEVIA - Service Relations Investisseurs 90-110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle 92931 Paris La Défense Cedex 

or request it by calling the following number + 33 1 40 14 80 50

or via the contact form at:

 UPTEVIA is your sole point of contact.

(1) Form available on, Shareholders section/Loyalty Bonus and Registered Shares.

(2) You must complete this process again for any newly purchased shares.