News release - Febraury 18, 2011
REMUNERATION OF THE CORPORATE OFFICERS OF L'ORÉAL At its meeting under the chairmanship of Sir Lindsay Owen-Jones on Thursday, February 10, 2011, the L'Oréal Board of Directors decided to reunify the roles of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, and appointed, from March 18, 2011, Mr Jean-Paul Agon as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and Sir Lindsay Owen-Jones as Honorary Chairman, before taking the following decisions in respect of remuneration: Remuneration in respect of 2010: Mr Jean-Paul Agon, Chief Executive Officer: The variable part of the Chief Executive Officer's remuneration for 2010, after examination by the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee of the allocation criteria set out in the 2009 Annual Report (Volume 2, page 79) and on the basis of a target objective of 2,100,000 euros, was set by the Board at 1,680,000 euros, that is 80% of the target (compared with 60% in 2009).