In a world where change is omnipresent and the environment is rapidly evolving in significant ways, the Administration and Finance teams have a strategic role to play within the Group – now more than ever.
With a longstanding commitment to reducing its environmental footprint, L’Oréal invests in and develops solutions that help it to achieve its goal of continued growth paired with a shrinking environmental impact.
To meet the challenges of the tech revolution, which affects both consumer habits and working methods, L’Oréal is constantly adapting and transforming itself.
The Annual General Meeting of L’Oréal shareholders was held on Tuesday 30 June 2020, under the chairmanship of Mr Jean-Paul Agon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
At L’Oréal, we share a common purpose to Create the beauty that moves the world CLICK HERE TO DISCOVER OUR SENSE OF PURPOSE To find out more about L'Oréal's strategy, discover the 2019 Annual Report.