2023 universal registration document

2.3.3 Activities of the Board Committees

2.3 Organisation and modus operandi of the Board of Directors

2.3.3 Activities of the Board Committees

2.3.3. Activities of the Board Committees

The Board’s debates and decisions are assisted by the work performed by its Committees, which report to it after each of their meetings. The remits of each Committee are described in detail in the Internal Rules of the Board of Directors. The Board’s Committees act strictly within the framework of the remits given to them by the Board. They actively prepare for its work and make proposals but they do not have any decision‑making powers. All the Directors who are members of a Committee participate in Committee meetings with complete freedom of judgement and in the interest of all the shareholders. In 2023, the Committees were once again tasked with preparing the Board’s deliberations. The composition of these Committees, their remits and their work in 2023 are described below.

Strategy and Sustainability Committee
Composition Independence Number of meetings in 2023 Attendance (average 96.7%) Date of appointment to the Committee
Mr Jean-Paul Agon (Chairman)

Mr Jean-Paul Agon (Chairman)



Mr Jean-Paul Agon (Chairman)

Number of meetings in 2023


Mr Jean-Paul Agon (Chairman)

Attendance (average 96.7%)


Mr Jean-Paul Agon (Chairman)

Date of appointment to the Committee


Ms Françoise Bettencourt Meyers

Ms Françoise Bettencourt Meyers



Ms Françoise Bettencourt Meyers

Number of meetings in 2023


Ms Françoise Bettencourt Meyers

Attendance (average 96.7%)


Mr Paul Bulcke

Mr Paul Bulcke



Mr Paul Bulcke

Number of meetings in 2023


Mr Paul Bulcke

Attendance (average 96.7%)


Mr Patrice Caine

Mr Patrice Caine

Independence Independence within the meaning of the criteria of the AFEP-MEDEF Code as assessed by the Board of Directors.

Mr Patrice Caine

Number of meetings in 2023


Mr Patrice Caine

Attendance (average 96.7%)


Mr Jean-Victor Meyers

Mr Jean-Victor Meyers



Mr Jean-Victor Meyers

Number of meetings in 2023


Mr Jean-Victor Meyers

Attendance (average 96.7%)


Mr Alexandre Ricard

Mr Alexandre Ricard

Independence Independence within the meaning of the criteria of the AFEP-MEDEF Code as assessed by the Board of Directors.

Mr Alexandre Ricard

Number of meetings in 2023


Mr Alexandre Ricard

Attendance (average 96.7%)


It is specified that two members are members of the Bettencourt Meyers family and one member is linked to Nestlé.

An update on the latest CSR initiatives is presented at each meeting by L’Oréal’s Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer.

2023 main activities
Geopolitical situation

Ukraine/Russia situation.

  • Analysis of sales, update on business activities;
  • Update on variations in the markets and on competition;
  • Analysis of the performance of the latest product launches;
  • Review of proposed acquisitions;
  • Follow-up of recent acquisitions;
  • Review of the Group’s strategic development prospects;
  • Review of one of the Group’s brands at each meeting.
  • Systematic review at each meeting of the latest initiatives of the L’Oréal for the Future programme, presented by the Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer:
    • Update on the L’Oréal for the Future programme,
    • Presentation of the Net Zero climate strategy,
    • Review of the plan to reduce carbon intensity in line with the SBTi “Net Zero” trajectory,
    • Review of various sustainability initiatives: eco-designed stores, sustainable energy supply, 
    • Update on the first “Worldwide No Waste Cup”,
    • 14th Citizen Day,
    • Information on the “Imagine the future of dermatology” event, aimed at supporting healthcare professionals in the social and environmental transition,
    • Update on the partnership for the 15th Climate Week in New York,
    • Update on the L’Oréal Climate Emergency Fund,
    • Information on the launch of the e-commerce environmental score for Garnier in France,
    • “One D/Way for the future” event held for the second time, to disseminate best practices and enhance employee engagement.