As the existing authorisation is due to expire in October 2024, it is proposed that the Annual General Meeting give the Board of Directors a new authorisation, it being specified that in the event of a public offer being filed by a third party with regard to Company securities, the Board of Directors will not be able to use this authorisation during the public offer period without the prior authorisation of the Annual General Meeting.
The Company would be able to buy its own shares for the following purposes:
The purchase, sale, exchange or transfer of these shares may be carried out by any means, on one or more occasions, in particular on or off the stock market, including in whole or in part, through the acquisition, sale, exchange or transfer of blocks of shares. These means include, where applicable, the use of all financial instruments and derivatives.
This authorisation would take effect on the date of this Annual General Meeting and would expire at the end of a period of eighteen months from the date of this Annual General Meeting. It would render ineffective from that day onwards any previous authorisation for the unused portion with the same purpose.
The purchase price per share may not exceed €700 (excluding expenses). The authorisation would cover a maximum of 10% of the share capital a maximum of 5% of the capital for the shares acquired to be retained and subsequently remitted (for payment, exchange, or other purposes) in the context of transactions for external growth, merger, demerger or contribution – which is, as an indication at 31 December 2023, 53,472,547 shares for a maximum of €37,430,783,250.00, it being understood that the Company may not, at any time, hold more than 10% of its own share capital.
The Annual General Meeting, voting with the quorum and majority conditions required for Ordinary General Meetings, having reviewed the Report of the Board of Directors, authorises the Board of Directors, with the option to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer, to purchase shares of the Company in accordance with Articles L. 225-210 et seq. and L. 22-10-62 et seq. of the French Commercial Code, and EU Regulation No 596/ 2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014, and subject to the following conditions:
The Company may buy back its own shares under the conditions defined by the laws and regulations in force, and notably with a view to:
The purchase price per share may not exceed €700 (excluding expenses).
The number of shares that the Company may acquire may not exceed:
The purchase, sale, exchange or transfer of these shares may be carried out by any means on one or more occasions, on or off the stock market, including in whole or in part, through the acquisition, sale, exchange or transfer of blocks of shares. These means include, where applicable, the use of all financial instruments and derivatives.
These transactions may be carried out at any time, in accordance with the regulations in force at the time of the transactions concerned, it being specified that in the event of a public offer being filed by a third party with regard to Company securities, the Board of Directors will not be able to use this authorisation during the public offer period without the prior authorisation of the Annual General Meeting.