2023 universal registration document

1. Presentation of the Group – Integrated Report

 Manufacturing performance that relies on a global system combining responsiveness with operational excellence

L’Oréal has 37 high-tech factories around the world, located close to its consumer markets. This network, which uses the most advanced technologies robotisation, automation, cobotics (collaborative robotics)  is constantly evolving to accommodate the growth of the Group, incorporate acquisitions, embrace external innovations and adapt to rapid changes in the beauty market. It is supported by a network of subcontracting partners to deal with cyclical peaks in demand.

The Group’s manufacturing organisation is also based on specialisation by technology Haircare, skincare, makeup, perfumes, hygiene products etc. to maximise best practices, increase agility, improve productivity and to optimise investments.

With the aim of supporting the growth of the fragrance industry, investments have been made to bring together the Group’s expertise in the “Manufacture du Parfum”, represented by two dedicated plants in France. The Aulnay sous Bois plant in the Paris region has been transformed to manufacture the fragrances of the Luxe Division and complement the activities of the Gauchy plant (Aisne), dedicated to best sellers and mass production. This “Manufacture” is a prime example of L’Oréal’s responsiveness, its expertise in “French style luxury” and the territorial connection of its manufacturing base.

The Operations Division also coordinated the overhaul of its skincare manufacturing capacity worldwide, with major projects in the United States, North Asia and Europe (France), in response to strong growth in this category.


The Group’s Operational Excellence System, deployed in all its plants, is based on the commitment of all Operations employees to guarantee safety, health, quality, product availability, service levels, productivity, ergonomics and environmental impact.

This map indicates the manufacturing footprint by geographic zone.

37 factories worldwide

  • North America: 5
  • Latin America: 4
  • Sub-Saharan Africa: 2
  • SAPMENA: 4
  • North Asia: 3
  • Europe: 19 (including 11 factories in France)