2023 universal registration document

4.6.2 TCFD cross-reference table

4.6 Cross-reference tables, including NFRD and GHG footprint

4.6.2 TCFD cross-reference table

4.6.2. TCFD cross-reference table

The cross-reference table below identifies the main information of this document according to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The Group's alignment with the TCFD principles is detailled in paragraph

Governance Sections of this document
1. Supervision by the Board of Directors of climate-related risks and opportunities

1. Supervision by the Board of Directors of climate-related risks and opportunities

Sections of this document

p. 14, 2.3.2., 2.3.3., 2.3.4., 4.1.

2. Role of Management in the assessment and management of climate-related risks and opportunities

2. Role of Management in the assessment and management of climate-related risks and opportunities

Sections of this document

3.2., 4.1.

Strategy StrategySections of this document


1. Climate-related risks and opportunities identified in the short, medium and long term

1. Climate-related risks and opportunities identified in the short, medium and long term

Sections of this document, 4.2.

2. Impact of climate-related risks on the Group’s business activities, strategy and financial forecasts

2. Impact of climate-related risks on the Group’s business activities, strategy and financial forecasts

Sections of this document, 4.2.

3. Resilience of the Group, taking into consideration different climate scenarios including a scenario of 2°C or less

3. Resilience of the Group, taking into consideration different climate scenarios including a scenario of 2°C or less

Sections of this document

1.3., p. 183-184,

Risks and opportunities Risks and opportunitiesSections of this document


1. Procedures to identify and assess climate-related risks

1. Procedures to identify and assess climate-related risks

Sections of this document

3.5, 4.2.

2. Procedures for managing climate-related risks

2. Procedures for managing climate-related risks

Sections of this document

3.5, 4.2.

3. Integration of the procedures to identify, assess and manage climate-related risks within the total management of the Group’s risks

3. Integration of the procedures to identify, assess and manage climate-related risks within the total management of the Group’s risks

Sections of this document


Indicators IndicatorsSections of this document


Indicators used to assess climate-related risks and opportunities, in line with the Group’s strategy and risk management procedure

Indicators used to assess climate-related risks and opportunities, in line with the Group’s strategy and risk management procedure

Sections of this document

1.4.2., 4.1., 4.3.1.

Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions and associated risks

Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions and associated risks

Sections of this document

4.2.2.,,, 4.6.5.

Objectives used to manage climate-related risks and/or opportunities and the Group’s performance in relation to its objectives

Objectives used to manage climate-related risks and/or opportunities and the Group’s performance in relation to its objectives

Sections of this document

1.4.2., 2.4., 4.1., 4.3.1.