2023 universal registration document

4.5.3 Human Rights data

4.5 Methodological notes

4.5.3 Human Rights data
People from very difficult social or economic situations trained in beauty professions.

Scope of consolidation: this indicator is calculated over a worldwide scope using annual data. This scope covers people trained on beauty skills under the Beauty for a Better Life programme implemented by partner organisations between 1 January and 31 December.

Data: the managers of the programme at L’Oréal’s subsidiaries aggregate the data on the basis of the information and a declaration of compliance transmitted to them by the partner organisations. The Foundation teams within the Department of Corporate Responsibility consolidate the data and check it for consistency.

People in very difficult social or economic situations who have benefited from beauty care and wellbeing treatments

Scope of consolidation: this indicator is calculated over a France scope using annual data. This scope covers people who have benefitted from beauty care and well-being treatments under the Beauty for a Better Life programme implemented by partner organisations between 1 January and 31 December. 

Data: the data are collected by the programme’s partner organisations. The Foundation teams consolidate the data and check it for consistency

Beneficiaries of our brands’ social engagement programmes

Scope of consolidation: this indicator is calculated over a scope limited to the brands that have social engagement programmes. The scope excludes the brands’ environmental programmes, product donations and awareness-raising media campaigns. 

Data: in order to be counted for, a beneficiary must be a person who is either supported by a partner NGO with a sustainable impact, via, for example, an educational grant, medical treatment, personalised psychological support, or any other initiative under the brand’s social engagement programme; or supported by a brand via a learning programme that has been co-created with a partner NGO. The data are approved and transmitted by the NGOs, then consolidated by the brands via a digital tool.

Displaying the environmental impact of products

Data: the data for the defined scope is collected by the Operations Department using the Sustainable Product Optimisation Tool (SPOT). All SPOT exclusions also apply to this indicator. Contribute to solving global challenges
Supporting the most vulnerable women

Scope of consolidation: this indicator is calculated over a worldwide scope using data accumulated since the Fund was launched. It is the number of organisations supported by the Fund, the number of women directly supported by these organisations with the assistance of the Fund, and the budget in euros L’Oréal has allocated to the Fund since it was launched. This amount includes the costs associated with operating the Fund. 

Data: data are collected by the organisations supported by the Fund which have used all or a portion of the budget allocated during the reference period. The Fund’s teams (within the Corporate Responsibility Department) consolidate the data. They carry out consistency checks on the basis of the information reported and a certificate of compliance transmitted by the partner organisations. The budget allocated is monitored and consolidated by the Fund’s teams in cooperation with L’Oréal’s Finance team.

Contributing to the regeneration of nature

Rehabilitation: restoration focuses on halting and reversing ecosystem degradation and recovering biodiversity. Source: OP2B Restoration Framework/Science Based Targets Network (2020). Science‑Based Targets for Nature: Initial Guidance for Business.

Regeneration: Regeneration measures are applied to farmland and aim to increase ecological productivity in terms of contributions from nature. Source: OP2B Restoration Framework/Science Based Targets Network (2020). Science‑Based Targets for Nature: Initial Guidance for Business.

4.5.3. Human Rights data

Scope of consolidation: this concerns the human rights data arising from ethics reporting. This scope is identical to that of social data. 

Indicators: the indicators have been selected in line with the applicable regulations, and to enable data comparison, in particular. 

Data: the Ethics, Risk and Compliance Department collects the data relating to ethics and human rights for L’Oréal subsidiaries using the Annual Ethics Reporting platform.

The scope is aligned with individual company data unless otherwise indicated for each indicator. Human rights data for the employees of the Group’s suppliers are consolidated by the Purchasing Department and collected mainly during social audits conducted by an independent and accredited third party. This third party then shares the data and the audit reports with the Group. The other data are collected from the Departments concerned: Corporate Social Responsibility, Worldwide Product Safety Evaluation, Ethics, Risk and Compliance, and the L’Oréal Foundation.