2023 universal registration document

4. Corporate Social Responsibility

Reinforcing multicultural and socio-economic diversity

L’Oréal’s goal is to reflect, at all levels and in all functions, the diversity of the markets in which it operates. Particular attention is therefore paid to the diversification of recruitment pools, to ensure equal opportunities in terms of professional development, and to raise awareness of employees and management on this subject. Under the L’Oréal for Youth programme, the Group is committed to diversifying its sources of recruitment, with the aim of recruiting at least 20% of the  talent for the Management Trainee Programme from non partner schools and universities.

167: number of nationalities (in the global workforce) among the 64 countries Scope of social data as defined in paragraph Social data.

Since 2015, L’Oréal has supported the ENAR’sThe European Network Against Racism. Equal@Work initiative, which helps to ensure progress on this important issue.

Since 2019, L’Oréal has been an active member of the Tent Partnership for Refugees, a global network of more than 350 companies that supports refugees. This partnership enables L’Oréal to strengthen the socio economic and multicultural diversity of its teams, offer job opportunities to the candidates in question and facilitate their inclusion in their host countries. In Europe, L’Oréal participates in a mentoring programme for female refugees and also committed in 2023 to recruiting 50 refugees over three years. L’Oréal has signed the Charter on the inclusion of refugees and exiled people in the workplace, drafted by SINGA and Utopies, as part of its commitment to professional integration and the fight against the underemployment of refugees. In 2023, alongside SINGA, the Group organised workshops and roundtables to raise awareness about inter cultural issues and challenge stereotypes regarding refugees for an audience of internal parties (DE&I Leads) and external parties (students from universities and partner schools).

Promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities and the physical, mental and social well-being of all employees

For more than 20 years, L’Oréal has applied a global policy to include people with disabilities within the Group. In 2023, the Group employed 1,701 statutory employees with disabilities, i.e. 1.9% of the total workforce. The goal is 2% by 2025.

The priorities of this policy focus on five areas:

  • recruitment: promoting the recruitment of people with disabilities in all countries;
  • retention: supporting employees who have experienced accidents, illness or the worsening of an existing disability;
  • employee awareness: conducting internal communications campaigns and learning initiatives to promote an inclusive working environment and create conditions that encourage employees to declare their disability, so that the company can adapt workstations, jobs and support;
  • accessibility: promoting the accessibility of premises and digital accessibility for employees and consumers; and
  • partnerships and sharing best practices: collaboration with recognised experts, associations and NGOs on the subject, as well as with the protected and disability adapted work sector is an important element in advancing inclusion.

An active member of the ILO since 2010, L’Oréal was one of the first signatories of the Global Business and Disability Network Charter in 2015 and chaired the network in 2021. Since 2020, L’Oréal has been a member of the Valuable 500, a global collective of 500 companies, whose objective is to promote the inclusion of people with a disability. L’Oréal was one of the first companies to join Generation Valuable, a programme launched in 2022 by the Valuable 500. This programme aims to support an employee with a disability through a specific training programme and mentoring with a member of the Executive Committee, so as to raise disability awareness at the highest level of the business.

L’Oréal continues to support the Disability Hub Europe initiative, which brings together various stakeholders in the field of disability and sustainability.

L’Oréal is strengthening its commitment to greater inclusion in sport by supporting a group of 10 athletes with disabilities.

Valuing and taking into consideration people of all ages and generations

L’Oréal ensures that every employee has their place in the company, regardless of their age or experience. Accordingly, in continuation of the Spanish Generaciones initiative and the French inter company commitment to enhance the role in the company of those over age 50, the Group launched the L’Oréal For All Generations programme, which places intergenerational relations and employability at the core of its objectivesSee paragraph Initially launched in France in 2022, this programme is gradually being rolled out internationally.

Gender equity: professional parity and equality for women and men

Achieving real gender equality, up to the most strategic positions, is a key challenge for L’Oréal. The aim is to strengthen the Group’s ability to innovate while promoting a culture of inclusion. The Group ensures that all jobs are accessible to women and men, both at the recruitment level and with regard to opportunities for career development. Special attention is given to pivotal periods such as parenthood (see paragraph