2023 universal registration document

4. Corporate Social Responsibility

The Group is continually improving its powerful digital communications system which allows to enhance the employer image, to share, daily and transparently, the richness of its jobs and the diversity of its career paths and to explain its culture. L’Oréal’s Social Media strategy in recruitment is considered to be an industry benchmark. A strong presence on LinkedIn, with more than 4.7 million followers, helps with proactively recruiting the best talent.

For several years, L’Oréal has been ranked by Universum as one of the best employers in France and in the world.

An International team provides L’Oréal recruiters around the world with cutting edge digital tools to efficiently select the best candidates from among over 1.3 million applications received. Paradox is one of a range of such solutions that use technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), to provide greater efficiency, improve the candidate experience and target a broader diversity of backgrounds. The Group has been moving in this direction since 2017 and imposes the highest standards to ensure a responsible and ethical approach in its design and use of AI.

In 2023, the recruiter community worked together on several topics, such as the candidate experience, mastering computer tools and data quality, as well as learning for managers involved in the recruitment process.

In 2023, the Group continued to roll out its global L’Oréal for Youth programme, through which it created 25,000 job opportunities per year for those under the age of 30. In 2023, this objective remains unchanged, particularly with regard to L’Oréal BOOST, which gives 20,000 young people access to the Coursera learning platform, or to mentoring and coaching initiatives to support and strengthen the employment prospects of young people all over the world. The programme has been enriched with new initiatives, such as masterclasses led by business leaders.

Successful integration of new employees lays the groundwork for a lasting, quality relationship with the Company. The FIT integration programme provides everyone with the keys to success within the Group, both from an operational standpoint and in terms of sharing the corporate culture. Training and developing employees throughout their working life

L’Oréal considers the development of its employees as one of the main drivers of its performance and its transformation. In terms of learning, the Group’s ambition is to develop the potential and employability of each employee throughout their lives, and to prepare tomorrow’s leaders.

This graph shows the number of hours of learning.  2021: 3,180,718 2022: 3,167,802 2023: 3,472,899


  Number of hours


Number of hours


Latin America

Latin America

Number of hours


North America

North America

Number of hours


North Asia

North Asia

Number of hours




Number of hours


L’Oréal’s strategy for developing its employees and ensuring a competitive advantage is based on four drivers:

  • ensuring that employees have mastered the core skillsrequired for their role;
  • providing an unparalleled learning experience thatmotivates employees to continue learning;
  • enabling the transformation of the company and theacquisition of skills in addition to those required by thecurrent post through large-scale upskilling programmes; and
  • supporting and developing employees at each key stage oftheir career path.

Learning to secure essential skills

L’Oréal equips all employees taking up new positions with JOB MUST learning programmes that enable them to develop essential skills from the first few weeks. More than 41,000 employees benefited from this in 2023.

The Learning Departments of the Divisions and functions work closely with the Operational Departments to anticipate these critical skills and identify the most appropriate learning solutions.

The Learning Departments in the various Zones play a key role in implementing these solutions. Regional campuses are used to deploy the solutions in every country, and the Learning Departments ensure that at least 80% of relevant employees take part in them at the appropriate time in their professional career.