2023 universal registration document

4. Corporate Social Responsibility

CHANGE IN LOST TIME INJURY RATE (LTIR)(1)LTIR: number of L’Oréal staff injured with lost time at one million (106) hours worked by L’Oréal employees.

The Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR) is 0.73 and the enlarged total incident rate reported (TRIR)TRIR: number of injured L’Oréal and temporary staff – with lost time, with a light duty and/or medical treatment – reported at one million (106) hours worked by L’Oréal staff and hours worked by temporary staff. is 1.37. Injured with lost‑time recorded in the Group in 2023 resulted in the following frequency rates by entity:

This graph shows the change in lost time injury rate (LTIR)(1).  2011: 2.00 2012: 1.70 2013: 1.60 2014: 1.10 2015: 1.30 2016: 1.20 2017: 0.83 2018: 1.02 2019: 0.79 2020: 0.66 2021: 0.73 2022: 0.62 2023: 0.73
Sites LTIR 2023 Variation in LTIR vs. 2022 TRIR 2023 Variation in TRIR vs. 2022
Factories and distribution centres sites

Factories and distribution centres sites

LTIR 2023


Factories and distribution centres sites

Variation in LTIR vs. 2022


Factories and distribution centres sites

TRIR 2023


Factories and distribution centres sites

Variation in TRIR vs. 2022


Administrative sites

Administrative sites

LTIR 2023


Administrative sites

Variation in LTIR vs. 2022


Administrative sites

TRIR 2023


Administrative sites

Variation in TRIR vs. 2022


R&I Sites

R&I Sites

LTIR 2023


R&I Sites

Variation in LTIR vs. 2022


R&I Sites

TRIR 2023


R&I Sites

Variation in TRIR vs. 2022


Salesforces & Stores

Salesforces & Stores

LTIR 2023


Salesforces & Stores

Variation in LTIR vs. 2022


Salesforces & Stores

TRIR 2023


Salesforces & Stores

Variation in TRIR vs. 2022


Group: all sites Group: all sitesLTIR 2023


Group: all sitesVariation in LTIR vs. 2022


Group: all sitesTRIR 2023


Group: all sitesVariation in TRIR vs. 2022


The Group’s accident severity rate was the same as in 2022. It stood at 0.03 for the Group and 0.08 for factories and distribution centres in 2023. The Group had no fatal accidents in 2023, unlike in 2022, when there were two road accidents. Since then, with the support of members of the Executive Committee, the Group has rolled out a mandatory Road Safety programme for all employees identified as working on the road.


The main Health and Safety priorities and orientations relate to the following nine areas:

  1. definition and deployment of strategy and action plans to achieve the targets set: Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR) <0.5 for all Group sites;
  2. commitment and visible participation by management;
  3. initiatives to fight the most frequent incidents, which include a worldwide ergonomics programme and a specific LIFE programme on potentially serious accidents (see subparagraph;
  4. Health and Safety organisation and practices in compliance with the Group’s standards with ISO 45001 certification for all Operations sites;
  5. specific learning programme for managers, EHS managers, operators/technicians and for all employees;
  6. continuous improvement of the Health and Safety management systems at all sites;
  7. active administrative staff participation;
  8. sharing of resources, feedback and best practices; and
  9. 95% of the Group’s factories are ISO 45001 certified for their safety policy.
A global programme dedicated to improving Health and Safety

L’Oréal has programmes with specific and innovative tools to achieve excellence in safety, which is based on four areas:

  • a strategy based on risk management, the search for excellence and the sharing of the L’Oréal culture outside the Group;
  • analysis of safety and health risks with the following tools: Global Hazard Assessment Procedure (GHAP), Safety Hazard Assessment Procedure (SHAP), Ergoval, Process Safety Management (PSM), Chemical Risk Evaluation (CHERIE);
  • analysis of the root causes for the occurrence of incidents/ accidents with the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) tool; and
  • the use of a correct prevention tool at the right time.

LTIR: number of L’Oréal staff injured with lost time at one million (106) hours worked by L’Oréal employees.

TRIR: number of injured L’Oréal and temporary staff – with lost time, with a light duty and/or medical treatment – reported at one million (106) hours worked by L’Oréal staff and hours worked by temporary staff.