2023 universal registration document

4. Corporate Social Responsibility

L’Oréal acts with the conviction that a policy in favour of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) allows everyone, regardless of their background, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, age or disability, to give their best in the company. This is an essential driver of performance and innovation and is crucial for maintaining sustainable growth. L’Oréal launched the L’Oréal For All Generations programme in France in 2022. The programme is gradually being rolled out internationally.

Policy Risks Indicators and principal results Preserving employee health and safety Preserving employee health and safetyRisks

Employee health and safety risk Preserving employee health and safetyIndicators and principal results

Moving towards “zero accidents” is the ambition that L’Oréal has set for itself. 

Number of injured with lost-time: 128 (L’Oréal employees and temporary staff).

Objective: Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR) < 0.5 for all Group sites.

Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR): 0.73.

Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR): 1.37.

Accident severity rate: 0.03. Recruiting and supporting talent Recruiting and supporting talentRisks

Human resources management risk Recruiting and supporting talentIndicators and principal results

11,633 employees hired under permanent contracts.

Over 1.3 million applications received in 2023.

Over 4.7 million followers on LinkedIn. Training and developing employees throughout their working life Training and developing employees throughout their working lifeRisks

Human resources management risk Training and developing employees throughout their working lifeIndicators and principal results

100% of employees trained in 2023.

3,472,850 learning hours. Creating conditions for a stimulating and attractive work environment Creating conditions for a stimulating and attractive work environmentRisks

Human resources management risk Creating conditions for a stimulating and attractive work environmentIndicators and principal results

Share & Care programme launched in 2013 and enhanced in 2021 and 2023.

96% of the Group’s permanent employees benefit from financial protection in case of unexpected life events.

97% of the Group’s permanent employees benefit from healthcare coverage aligned with best local practices.

In total, 87%  of the Group’s employees work in countries where there are employee representative bodies on at least one site.

45% of the Group’s employees are covered by a national collective agreement and 97% by company collective agreements. Offering a motivating and competitive compensation system Offering a motivating and competitive compensation systemRisks

Human resources management risk Offering a motivating and competitive compensation systemIndicators and principal results

Amounts of profit-sharing schemes: €461 million distributed to employees.

Plans for the conditional grant of shares to employees: more than 3,600 employees involved.

L’Oréal Retention Plan (LOREP): over 2,300 employees involved.

Employee shareholding plans: around 35% participation.

Complementary pension plans in place in 89% of the countries where L’Oréal has employees. Promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I)Risks

Human resources management risk Promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I)Indicators and principal results

On 31 December 2023, women represented:

  • 52% of all key positions within L’Oréal S.A.;
  • 57% of all key positions within the Group;
  • 32% of members of the Executive Committee;
  • 50% of members of the Board of Directors.

With a yearly goal to maintain a proportion of women and men employees that may not be less than 40% in strategic positions (around 300 positions, including members of the Executive Committee).

35 countries are EDGE or GEEIS certified for their gender equality practices and policies

1.9% of employees with disabilities worldwide. L’Oréal’s goal is that people with a disability will account for 2% of the Group’s statutory employees by 2025.