2023 universal registration document

4. Corporate Social Responsibility

  • 1991Organisation and consolidation of EHS procedures and reporting for the Operations Department.
  • 1996First EHS audits.
  • 2000
    • Organisation of worldwide EHS governance.
    • Launch of SHAP* and Root Cause analysis tools.
  • 2004 1st environmental objective for the Group (reduction in energy consumption).
  • 2008 Evaluation of the Group’s Carbon Footprint.
  • 2009
    • The Group’s 1st environmental commitments for 2015 (reduction of CO2 emissions, water consumption and waste production).
    • Launch of THE SIO*and MESUR* tools.
  • 2013
    • Launch of the SBWA programme.
    • Launch of Waterscan*.
  • 2017
    • Validation of the Science Based Targets*.
    • The Group’s first Waterloop factory.
    • Launch of Energyscan*
    • Safe@Work Safe@Homeprogramme.
    • Launch of the LIFE* programme.
  • 2018
    • First RoSPA* awards
    • Launch of GHAP*.
  • 2019 UN Global Compact:“Business Ambition for 1.5°C”, signing of the pledge.
  • 2020
    • Signing of the TCFD.
    • Launch of the L’Oréal forthe Future programme.
    • 17 RoSPA awards.
  • 2021
    • Launch of Green Steps.
    • 53 RoSPA awards.
  • 2022
    • 69 RoSPA awards
    • Sponsorship of the RoSPA“Inspiring Women in Health& Safety” award.
  • 2023
    • Three “A”s achievedunder the CDPfor the 8th year.
    • 67 RoSPA awards.
    • Submission of Net Zero objectives to SBTi.

CDP: Carbon Disclosure Project.

Energyscan: A tool that makes it possible to quantify a factory’s potential energy savings.

GHAP: Global Hazard Assessment Procedure.

LIFE: Life threatening Incidents or Fatality Events.

MESUR: MESUR (Managing Effective Safety Using Recognition and Refocusing).

RoSPA: Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.

Science Based Targets: Commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the long term and across the entire value chain, in accordance with the Paris Agreement.

SHAP: Safety Hazards Assessment Procedure.

SIO: Safety Improvement Opportunity.

TCFD: Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures.

Waterscan: A tool that makes it possible to quantify a factory’s potential water savings.