Policy | Risks | Indicators and principal results |
---|---|---| Involving suppliers in the Group’s transformation | Involving suppliers in the Group’s transformationRisks Industrial risks Physical and transition risks associated with climate change | Involving suppliers in the Group’s transformationIndicators and principal results
| Sustainability: from product design to end consumer | Sustainability: from product design to end consumerRisks
Risks related to the use and end of life of products Risk related to changing stakeholder and consumer expectations in terms of environmental performance | Sustainability: from product design to end consumerIndicators and principal results
| Meeting the most demanding climate standards Contributing to solving the environmental challenges of the world | Meeting the most demanding climate standards Contributing to solving the environmental challenges of the worldRisks
Physical and transition risks associated with climate change Risk related to changing stakeholder and consumer expectations in terms of environmental performance | Meeting the most demanding climate standards Contributing to solving the environmental challenges of the worldIndicators and principal results
A pioneering, socially responsible company, L’Oréal applies an ambitious Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) policy to minimise its environmental impact and guarantee the health and safety of employees(2)The Health and Safety policy addressing the health and safety risk of employees (see subsection 4.2.2.) is presented and described in the Human Resources policy (see subsection 4.3.2.)., customers, and the communities in which it carries out its business activities.
This has been reflected, for many years, in the desire to systematically control the risks related to the safety of people and the environment that are inherent in the Group’s business activities. A risk assessment and action plans aim to reduce the potential impacts of:
This commitment has led to the deployment of the Group’s EHS policy over the entire spectrum of its business activities, but also beyond it. Indeed, the Group strives to ensure the regulatory compliance of its activities and compliance with its standards on its sites (industrial or administrative sites, research centres, stores). The Group also ensures that its subcontractors and suppliers respect the safety of people and the environment through a specifically dedicated audit programme.
☑The Statutory Auditors have expressed reasonable assurance about this indicator.