2023 universal registration document

3. Risk factors and risk management

Industrial and environmental risks/Environment and safety
Risk identification Risk management

The Group, with its 80 industrial sites (owned factories and distribution centres), including 4 classified as “Seveso high threshold”, is exposed to various industrial risks related to the environment and safety (fires, explosions, failure of equipment or safety systems, or even human failure in the operation of the existing facilities or management of the work etc.), which can result in injuries, accidental pollution within or outside the Group sites, particularly when they are located in a populated area, and/ or the temporary unavailability of an industrial site. The occurrence of such events could have a financial, operational and/ or reputational impact.

The Group’s Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) policy aims to minimise the impact on the environment and guarantee the health and safety of employees, customers and the communities in which L’Oréal carries out its activities. As a result of this policy, the risks inherent in our business activities are systematically identified and brought under control. The Operations Department issues internal rules that set out the principles of L’Oréal’s EHS policy. Each site is covered by an EHS officer. EHS risk management programmes, methods and tools are implemented and the corresponding learning programmes are being rolled out systematically. EHS performance indicators are collected monthly from all factories, distribution centres, and administrative and research sites with over 50 people. Specific audits are conducted by internal EHS teams, and external independent experts. The fire risk is controlled by very strict fire prevention standards (National Fire Protection Association standards or equivalent). Industrial sites classified as “Seveso” are subject to specific procedures adapted to the nature of the risks related to storage of chemicals or flammable materials and are in compliance with the regulations. Since 2020, the Group has extended compliance with the main requirements of the European Seveso Directive beyond the European Union to all sites it operates worldwide. Across all its sites, the Group strives to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, its water consumption and its waste generation and to limit the impact of its activity on biodiversity. It also pledges to reduce the footprint from transportation of its products and to no longer send waste to landfill. Details of how the risk relating to the temporary unavailability of an industrial site is managed are given in the section relating to “Product availability”.