2023 universal registration document

3. Risk factors and risk management

Communication and learning

Communication of the Applicable Rules and training of the teams involved supplement and support the effective application of the measures set out in the Plan by L’Oréal’s Subsidiaries and Suppliers.

(i) Communication on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Human Relations teams are informed of the Applicable Rules by their line manager.

All new Group employees must receive a hard or electronic copy of the Group’s Code of Ethics and must confirm that they have read it. Employees must be reminded of the Code of Ethics and its contents on a regular basis. Any employee in contact with Suppliers must receive the “The Way We Work with our Suppliers” guide when they are hired. It explains ethical standards that apply to Supplier relations.

An internal Ethics website is available to employees.

An annual Ethics Day, including Human Rights, has been held since 2009. This day enables employees to discuss matters such as respect for Human Rights and fundamental freedoms via a livestream with L’Oréal’s Chief Executive Officer and the other members of the Executive Committee. Discussions on ethics are also organised in the Subsidiaries to let employees exchange conversations with their Subsidiary’s General Manager.

In 2023, over 37,000 people logged on to Ethics Day sessions and more than 6,600 questions were asked worldwide.

With respect to Suppliers, in addition to the communication of Applicable Rules via the letters of ethical commitment, they are given access to the following documentsThese documents are available to the public from the L’Oréal website: https://www.loreal.com/en/articles/commitments/loreals-mutual-ethical-commitment-letter/ & https://www.loreal.com/en/articles/commitments/code-of-ethics/ :

  • the Code of Ethics; and
  • L’Oréal’s policy on Suppliers/subcontractors and child labour.
(ii) Learning about Human Rights and fundamental freedoms

A new version of the specific, compulsory e-learning course on ethics and human rights was launched in July 2023. In this version, the tool provides a reminder of the respect that the Group’s top management has for Human Rights, and offers varied and interactive content and exercises. Notably, it includes practical case studies to resolve, some of which can be customised according to the role selected by the user. The aim is for all employees across all departments to complete this learning.

New buyers receive compulsory training on Responsible Purchasing to learn about how to ensure respect of the Group’s Ethical Principles.

An e-learning course on Supplier audits, detailing the applicable audit procedure, is also available for all buyers. A version adapted for Suppliers is available on the website for strategic suppliers.

(iii) Communication about the Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) in the workplace

EHS managers are informed of the Applicable Rules by their functional hierarchy.

Group Sites are encouraged to hold a day dedicated to EHS to raise the awareness among all employees about the risks to which they are exposed and suitable prevention, in addition to specific local actions.

A Group awareness-raising campaign about major safety risks, deployed over three years, and the implementation of a specific topic every four months, serve to develop employee awareness of risks over time.

A monthly newsletter for the Group’s EHS managers and their team leaders enables performance tracking and the sharing of best EHS practices.

(iv) Learning about the Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) in the workplace

Learning sessions dedicated to L’Oréal’s EHS policy and practices have been provided at all levels of the Company, as well as for temporary workers and subcontractors working on Group sites. They constitute one of the cornerstones in the implementation of risk identification and management systems, and the deployment of the EHS culture in all Group entities.

EHS learning includes the various learning actions for health and safety in the workplace, or the environment and covers general EHS learning, EHS learning by "métier" (function) and specific EHS learning.

General EHS learning includes:

  • core general learning completed, for example, when a new employee arrives at a Site (L’Oréal administrative staff or temporary staff) regardless of their position; and
  • fire safety learning, first aid, pollution prevention, recycling, general EHS awareness raising etc.

EHS learning by métier refers to learning specific to a given métier area or activity (for example, all of the filling and packing staff of a factory).

Specific EHS learning refers to EHS learning for a particular workstation and the activities carried out by the employee.

In terms of ergonomics, a “Manual handling” e-learning course is provided to all employees.

A high level of expertise for global EHS Teams and the development of an EHS culture for “Top managers”, managers and supervisors is assured via the deployment of learning specific to each person.

To support the Environmental aspect of the L’Oréal for the Future programme, a learning programme on the challenges related to climate, water, biodiversity and resources (Green steps for all) has been launched with the intention of training 100% of the Group’s employees.