The process safety risks are analysed using the HAZOP (HAZard and OPerability analysis) guide. This method focuses on operating conditions, or FMECA (1) Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis, which analyses risks related to failures in the process at the different steps in production. The results and means of controlling industrial and specific risks are summarised in the GHAP (Global Hazard Assessment Procedure) programme.
In addition to their own risk analysis, Suppliers rely, at the very least, on the risks listed in the audit grid provided by L’Oréal when the Letter of Mutual Ethical Commitment is signed (see subparagraph to implement the appropriate prevention measures at each affected site. This grid was prepared in accordance with the list of the major risks described below and is applied during referencing and follow-up audits.
If the specific nature of the Suppliers’ activity requires identification of specific risks and/or additional prevention measures, the Suppliers are required to roll out these additional measures in accordance with best practices in their industry.
For example, in the subcontracting of finished products activity, specific risks may involve (i) the use of certain raw materials, (ii) wastewater treatment, (iii) the use of machines or electrical equipment in processing or storage areas, and (iv) handling techniques that may cause personal injury, in particular.
In the specific case of subcontracting suppliers of aerosolproduction or storage, bleaching powders, flammable products, the sites are subject to specific risks analyses concerning process safety.
(i) Risks associated with buildings and the use of equipment:
(ii) Risks related to energy sources, matter and materials:
(iii) Risks related to human activities:
Environmental risks
The risks of serious damage to the environment are those associated with the consumption of resources or that could cause damage to soils, water, air and biodiversity (habitats and species) in the context of normal operation or the occurrence of an incident at a site of the Subsidiaries or Suppliers:
The Group’s Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) policy aims to minimise the impact on the environment and guarantee the health and safety of the employees of its Subsidiaries and Suppliers, its customers and the communities in which L’Oréal carries out its activities. For the Subsidiaries, this policy is built on an EHS management system composed of standards with stringent requirements that set the principles of L’Oréal’s EHS policy, which is all included in the EHS guidelines.
In addition to the action taken as a result of the risk analysis conducted on the business activities of the Group and its Suppliers, L’Oréal conducts Environmental Health and Safety in the Workplace initiatives in addition to those implemented under the French law on Duty of Vigilance. These are described in chapter 4.
L’Oréal’s commitment to Environment, Health and Safety in the workplace is supported at the highest level of the Company by its Chief Executive Officer who renews L’Oréal’s commitment to the United Nations Global Compact each year.
For example, this includes the following additional actions and commitments:
(1) Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis.