2023 universal registration document

2. Corporate governance


The Board of Directors, at its meeting of 8 February 2024, used the following indicators and achievements examined by the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee to determine the level of achievement of the non-financial and qualitative targets for 2023.

CSR criteria: The L’Oréal for the Future programme Weighting: 10%
The L’Oréal for the Future programme sets out L’Oréal’s commitments to sustainability for 2030, for which the 2023 achievements are set out in detail in chapter 4 of this document and summarized in the table in subsection 1.4.2.
TRANSFORMING OUR BUSINESS 2023 Results 2022 Results
  • By 2025, 100% of sites will achieve 100% renewable energy (formerly known as “carbon neutral”A site must meet the following criteria: Direct CO2 (Scope 1) = 0, with the specific exception of the gas used for catering, the fuel oil used for sprinkler tests, the fuel oil (or diesel) used temporarily by backup units, fossil energy consumed during maintenance of on-site renewable facilities and cooling gas leaks if they are lower than 130 tonnes CO2 eq./ year; and indirect Market Based CO2 (Scope 2) = 0. It should be noted that renewable energy sources no longer need to be located less than 500 kilometres from the site.)

77% (127 sites)

65% (110 sites)

  • By 2030, on average we will have halved the greenhouse gas emissions per finished product linked to the transport of our products compared to 2016.
-9.7% +6.7%
  • By 2030, 100% of the water used in our industrial processes will be recycled and reused.
14% 13%
  • By 2030, 100% of ingredients in our formulas and biobased packaging materials will be traceable and come from sustainable sources.
93%Scope: bio-based ingredients in formulas, excluding packaging. 92%Scope: bio-based ingredients in formulas, excluding packaging.
  • By 2030, 95% of our ingredients in formulas will be biobased, derived from abundant minerals or from circular processes
65% 61%
  • By 2030, 100% of the plastic used in our packaging will be either from recycled or bio-based sources (achieving 50% by 2025).
32% 26%
  • By 2030, all Group products will be eco-designed.
96% 97%
  • By 2030, we will have helped 100,000 people from disadvantaged communities gain access to employment.
37,284 17,827
Human Resources criteria Weighting: 7.5%
Gender Balance 2023 Results 2022 Results
Improving gender balance, in particular at the level of senior management positions. 32% of Executive Committee members are women. 32%
  48% of strategic positions are held by women (strategic positions include Executive Committee positions, i.e. approximately 300 positions). 48%
  2023 Equileap ranking:  
  France: 1st place No. 1 in France
  International: 11th place No. 14
  For the sixth consecutive year, L’Oréal is ranked in the 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index which comprises 484 companies in 54 different industries. idem
Talent Development    
Results of the policy regarding the recruitment of both experienced and more junior talented employees, and talent development all over the world, in order to favour the emergence of local talent. Eighth place in the Universum global ranking (business schools). L’Oréal was ranked in the top 10 for the fourth consecutive year and placed second in the European companies ranking. 5th place No. 1 in Europe
Attractive, targeted, digital employer communication. Strong presence on social networks: 4.77 million followers on LinkedIn. 4.36 million
Access to learning    
100% of employees will participate in learning every year.

100% of employees participated in learning in 2023. Balance between face-to-face and e-learning: 44% of the total hours completed via e-learning (e-learning modules, videos, virtual classes and webinars). Face-to-face format preferred for leadership and culture topics that require high added-value human interaction.
