2023 universal registration document

2. Corporate governance Remuneration policy for Directors

Directors receive remuneration, the maximum amount of which is approved by vote at the Ordinary General Meeting, and which is allocated by the Board in accordance with the remuneration policy.

Remuneration for serving on the Audit Committee is €30,000. Remuneration for serving on the Strategy and Sustainability Committee, the Nominations and Governance Committee, and the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee is €16,000.

Following the authorisation given by the Annual General Meeting in 2023, the maximum annual remuneration budget for directors was increased to a maximum of €1,700,000.

The Board of Directors proposes that the remuneration policy to be put to the vote at the Annual General Meeting of 23 April 2024 (Resolution 14) should continue to be allocated as follows:

Board of Directors Fixed annual sum Amount per Board meeting

Total for the Board of DirectorsBased on six meetings per year.

Board of Directorsnon-inclus

Fixed annual sum


Amount per Board meeting


€10,000 (Directors located outside Europe – presence at a meeting)

Total for the Board of DirectorsBased on six meetings per year.



Board Committees Board Committees

Fixed annual sum

Fixed annual sum

Board Committees

Amount per Board meeting

Variable annual amount

Based on a 100% attendance rate.
Board Committees

Total for the Board of DirectorsBased on six meetings per year.

Total amount per CommitteeBase 100 % d’assiduité.
Audit Audit

Fixed annual sum



Amount per Board meeting



Total for the Board of DirectorsBased on six meetings per year.

Strategy and Sustainability Strategy and Sustainability

Fixed annual sum


Strategy and Sustainability

Amount per Board meeting


Strategy and Sustainability

Total for the Board of DirectorsBased on six meetings per year.

Nominations and Governance Nominations and Governance

Fixed annual sum


Nominations and Governance

Amount per Board meeting


Nominations and Governance

Total for the Board of DirectorsBased on six meetings per year.

Human Resources and Remuneration Human Resources and Remuneration

Fixed annual sum


Human Resources and Remuneration

Amount per Board meeting


Human Resources and Remuneration

Total for the Board of DirectorsBased on six meetings per year.


In accordance with the provisions of the AFEP-MEDEF Code, the majority of this remuneration for distribution among the Directors is comprised of a variable portion that depends on regularity of attendance at meetings.

Committee Chairs receive double the remuneration of committee members.

Attendance at Board meetings for Directors located outside Europe is remunerated at €10,000 per meeting, except for participation by videoconference; in this case, the Board meeting is remunerated at €6,500.

In the event of a meeting of an ad-hoc Committee formed to work on a specific matter that does not fall within the remit of any other existing Committee, the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee may propose to the Board the payment of additional remuneration to the Directors who are members of this Committee, in accordance with the overall budget. Compensation policy for corporate officers

The Board refers, in particular, to the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF Code for the determination of the remuneration and benefits granted to corporate officers.

According to this Code, the corporate officers of a French “société anonyme à conseil d’administration” (public limited company with a Board of Directors) are: the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Executive Officer, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer(s) (executive corporate officers) and the Chairman of the Board not assuming the office of Chief Executive Officer (non-executive corporate officers).

The remuneration policies are designed to apply to:

  • Mr Nicolas Hieronimus, in his position as Chief Executive Officer; and
  • Mr Jean-Paul Agon, in his position as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

In accordance with the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF Code, the Board ensures that the remuneration policy complies with the principles of comprehensiveness, balance, comparability, consistency, transparency and proportionality, and takes into account market practices. Remuneration policy applicable to the executive corporate officer
A/ Fundamental principles for determination of the remuneration of the executive corporate officer

Specific requirements for appointments as executive corporate officers for employees who have completely succeeded in the various stages of their careers in the Group

L’Oréal’s constant practice has been to appoint senior managers who have completely succeeded in the various stages of their careers in the Group as executive corporate officers.

The remuneration policy applicable to the executive corporate officer is the logical result of this choice.