2.2.3. Changes in corporate offices and directorships of Directors

Changes in 2022
Renewal of the term of office of three Directors: Mr Jean-Paul Agon, Mr Patrice Caine and Ms Belén Garijo
  • Renewal of the term of office of Mr Jean-Paul Agon as Director

    The Annual General Meeting of 21 April 2022 renewed Mr Jean-Paul Agon’s tenure as Director for a four-year term. The Board of Directors can count on his commitment, experience and skills, as well as his expertise in matters of governance, to meet the growing expectations of stakeholders. Mr Jean-Paul Agon has been committed to the success and reputation of the company for over40 years. His in-depth knowledge of the company, its environment and the beauty market represent a major asset for the Board in their discussions and decisions relating to the definition of L’Oréal’s strategy and the monitoring the implementation thereof. Mr Agon is also deeply committed to the values of L’Oréal and the embedding of its culture.

  • Renewal of the term of office of Mr Patrice Caine as Director

    The Annual General Meeting of 21 April 2022 renewed Mr Patrice Caine’s tenure as Director for a four-year term. The Board benefits from Mr Caine’s expertise in the area of governance, his experience as an executive in a leading international company, his strategic vision, his industrial expertise, as well as an in-depth knowledge of new technologies and cyber security.

  • Renewal of the term of office of Ms Belén Garijo as Director

    The Annual General Meeting of 21 April 2022 renewed Ms Belén Garijo’s tenure as Director for a four-year term. The Board benefits from her experience as a director of a large international group. Her scientific skills and expertise in research and innovation acquired during a career in the pharmaceutical industry represent valuable assets for the Board.

Changes in 2023
Renewal of the term of office of two Directors: Ms Sophie Bellon and Ms Fabienne Dulac
  • Renewal of the term of office of Ms Sophie Bellon as Director

    As the term of office of Ms Sophie Bellon as Director is set toexpire, the renewal of her term of office for four years is submitted to the Annual General Meeting. 

    Ms Sophie Bellon is Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer of the Sodexo group, and has held various positions within this group for more than 20 years. 

    Sodexo, a global leader in quality-of-life services, is located in53 countries and has 422,000 employees worldwide. 

    Ms Sophie Bellon has been a Director of L’Oréal since 2015. She is Chairwoman of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee. Ms Sophie Bellon will chair the Nominations and Governance Committee until the close of the Annual General Meeting of 21 April 2023: Mr Patrice Cainewill replace her at the head of this Committee, of which she will remain a member. She was also a member of the Audit Committee until April 2022. 

    Ms Bellon is an independent director who is highly involved in the work of the Committees and who brings to the Board her interdisciplinary business knowledge, her international experience, her expertise in governance issues, her strategic vision and her commitment to social and societal responsibility. 

    Over the four years of her tenure as Director, her attendance rate has been 100% for meetings of the Board of Directors and 98% for committee meetings.

  • Renewal of the term of office of Ms Fabienne Dulac as Director

    As the term of office of Ms Fabienne Dulac as Director is set to expire, the renewal of her term of office for four years is submitted to the Annual General Meeting. 

    Ms Dulac is Chief Transformation Officer of the Orange Group from April 2023 and is a member of its Executive Committee since 2015. She joined this group in 1997 and held various positions in marketing, business development, communication and digital, before serving as Chief Executive Officer of Orange France from 2015 to April 2023. She is responsible for the implementation of the Orange Group’s major transformation projects. She is also a Director of La Françaisedes Jeux.

    Fabienne Dulac has been a Director of L’Oréal since 2019. She is a member of two committees: the Audit Committee and the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee.

    She exercises her office as independent director with great commitment and great freedom of judgement. Her contribution to L’Oréal’s Board of Directors includes her knowledge of the digital industry, consumers and customer relationships, her expertise in Human Resources and her experience in leading a highly transformational organisation. 

    Over the four years of her tenure as Director, her attendance rate has been 88% for meetings of the Board of Directors and 84% for committee meetings. 

    If the Meeting approves the resolutions concerning the two proposed renewals of term of office, then the composition of the Board of Directors will remain unchanged. The Board of Directors will then be composed of 16 members: 14 Directors elected by the Meeting and two directors representing the employees. 

    The balances of independence and gender will remain unchanged:

  • 7 independent Directors out of 14 Directors elected by the Annual General Meeting, i.e. 50%; and
  • 7 women and 7 men out of 14 Directors elected by the General Meeting, i.e. a parity of 50%.

398 pages