2022 Universal Registration Document

Chapter 8 : Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting resolves that this authorisation takes effect on the date of this Annual General Meeting and will expire at the end of a period of eighteen months from the date of this Annual General Meeting. It renders ineffective from this day onwards any previous authorisation for the unused portion with the same purpose.

The Board of Directors will have the option of allocating and reassigning to any of these objectives all the treasury shares currently held by the Company. Full powers are granted to the Board of Directors, with the option for it to delegate, for the implementation of this resolution and, more generally, to do anything that may be necessary.

8.1.2. Extraordinary part

Resolution 14: Delegation of authority granted to the Board of Directors for the purpose of increasing the capital by issuing ordinary shares, with preferential subscription rights for shareholders

The Annual General Meeting is asked to delegate to the Board of Directors its authority to increase the capital by issuing ordinary shares with preferential subscription rights. The total amount of capital increases that may be carried out in this way may not result in the share capital being increased from €107,037,312.40 on 31 December 2022 to more than €149,852,237.36. This ceilling corresponds to a maximum 40% increase of the capital as of 31 December 2022.

This ceiling will also be affected by any increases that maybe carried out under the nineteenth resolution voted on at the Annual General Meeting of 21 April 2022, or the fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth resolutions submitted to the vote of this Meeting.

There is no provision for any over allocation option.

This delegation will be valid for twenty-six months from the date of this Annual General Meeting, it being specified that in the event of a public offer being filed by a third party with regard to the shares of the Company, the Board of Directors will not be able to use this authorisation during the public offer period without the prior authorisation of the Annual General Meeting. This delegation renders in effective any prior delegation for the same purpose.

Fourteenth resolution: delegation of authority granted to the Board of Directors for the purpose of increasing the share capital by issuing ordinary shares with preferential subscription rights for shareholders

The Annual General Meeting, voting in accordance with the quorum and majority conditions required for Extraordinary General Meetings, having reviewed the Report of the Board of Directors and in compliance with Articles L. 225-129 et seq. of the French Commercial Code, specifically Articles L. 225‑129-2 and L. 22-10-49 of the French Commercial Code:

  1. delegates to the Board of Directors its authority to decide on one or more capital increases by issuing ordinary shares in the Company. This delegation to the Board of Directors is valid for a period of twenty-six months from the date of this Annual General Meeting;
  2. decides that the total amount of capital increases that may be carried out in this way may not result in the share capital being increased from €107,037,312.40 on 31 December 2022 to more than €149,852,237.36. This ceilling corresponds to a maximum increase of 40% compared to the share capital as at 31 December 2022. This ceiling will also be affected by any increases that may be carried out under the nineteenth resolution voted on at the Annual General Meeting of 21 April 2022,or the fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth resolutions submitted to the vote of this Meeting, it being specified that this total nominal amount does not take into account any adjustments that may be made in accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions and, where applicable, with contractual obligations providing for other adjustments, in order to safe guard the rights of holders of free shares in particular;
  3. decides that, if the Board of Directors uses this delegation, the shareholders have preferential subscription rights for shares issued pursuant to this resolution, in proportion tot heir existing number of shares. If subscriptions as of right and, if applicable, in excess of those as of right, have not absorbed the entirety of a share issue, the Board of Directors may offer all or some of the unsubscribed securities to the public or limit the share capital increase to the amount of subscriptions, provided that the latter achieves at least three-quarters of the increase decided;
  4. decides that share capital increases may be carried out at any moment, in accordance with the regulations in force at the time. However, should a third party file a public offer with regard to the shares of the Company, the Board of Directors will not be able to use this delegation of authority during the offer period without prior authorisation of the General Meeting;
  5. decides that the Board of Directors will have full powers, with the ability to delegate further under the conditions provided for by law, to implement this delegation within the limits and under the conditions specified above, in order to establish the terms and conditions of the share capital increases and, in general, to carry out all acts and formalities, take any decisions and enter into any agreement that may be useful or necessary for the due and proper completion of the share issues made pursuant to this delegation and record the final completion of the capital increase(s) made pursuant to this delegation and amend the Articles of Association accordingly; and
  6. acknowledges that this delegation renders ineffective any prior delegation for the same purpose.