2022 Universal Registration Document

7.5. The L’Oréal share/the share market

Chapter 7 : Share capital and stock market information

7.5. The L’Oréal share/the share market

7.5. The L’Oréal share/the share market

7.5.1. The L’Oréal share Information on the L’Oréal share

ISIN code: FR0000120321.

Loyalty bonus codes:

  • Shares that already benefit from preferential dividend rights: FR0011149590.
  • Dividend +10% in 2023: FR0014000RC4.
  • Dividend +10% in 2024: FR00140071O3.
  • Dividend +10% in 2025: FR001400ECA7.

Quantity: 1 share.

Par value: €0.20.

Trading on the spot market of Euronext Paris.

Eligible for the Deferred Settlement Service (SRD).

Unsponsored American Depositary Receipts are freely traded in the United States through certain banks operating in the United States. Stock market data
Share price at 30 December 2022(1) €333.60
Average of closing share prices for the last 30 trading days of 2022

Average of closing share prices for the last 30 trading days of 2022






€300.45 on 16.06.2022




€431.95 on 04.01.2022

Annual share price increase at 30 December 2022(1) Annual share price increase at 30 December 2022(1)€333.60


● L’Oréal ● 




● CAC 40 ● 

CAC 40



● Euronext 100 ● 

Euronext 100



● DJ Euro Stoxx 50 ● 

DJ Euro Stoxx 50



● Stoxx Europe 600 Personal and Household Goods ● 

Stoxx Europe 600 Personal and Household Goods



Market capitalisation at 31 December 2021

Market capitalisation at 31 December 2021


€178.5 billion

At 30 December 2022(1), the L’Oréal share weighed: At 30 December 2022(1), the L’Oréal share weighed:€333.60


● in the CAC 40 ● 

in the CAC 40



● in the DJ Euro Stoxx 50 ● 

in the DJ Euro Stoxx 50



● in the Stoxx Europe 600 Personal and Household Goods ● 

in the Stoxx Europe 600 Personal and Household Goods



(1) The last trading day of 2022 is Friday, December 30, 2022.

(2) Out of the number of shares at 31 December 2022, i.e. 535,186,562 shares. Dynamic shareholder return policy
  • Earnings per share: 11.26 euros(1)
  • Dividend per share: 6.00 euros(2)

Steady increase in dividend per share (€)

This graph shows the steady increase in dividend per share (€).

Over 4.3 in 16 years

2007: 1.38

2008:  1.44

2009:  1.50

2010: 1.80

2011:  2.00

2012:  2.30

2013: 2.50

2014: 2.70

2015: 3.10

2016: 3.30

2017: 3,55

2018: 3.85

2019: 3.85

2020: 4.00

2021: 4.80

2022: 6.00

Share of profits dedicated to dividends: 53.3%

This graph shows the share of profits dedicated to dividends: 53.3%

2007: 41.1%

2008:  41.3%

2009:  43.9%

2010: 44.9%

2011:  46.3%

2012:  46.8%

2013: 48.7%

2014: 50.6%

2015: 50.2%

2016: 50.1%

2017: 51.1%

2018: 53.4%

2019: 49.7%

2020: 54.8%

2021: 54.4%

2022: 53.3%

(1) Diluted net earnings per share attributable to owners of the Company excluding non-recurring items.

(2) Proposed dividend at the Annual General Meeting of 21 April 2023.