2022 Universal Registration Document

Chapter 6 : Parent company financial statements

NOTE 12. Tangible assets

€ millions 31.12.2020 31.12.2021 Acquisitions/Depreciation Disposals/Reversals Other movements 31.12.2022
Land 81.1 81.3 - - - 81.3
Buildings 727.4 769.3 15.8 -10.6 -25.0 749.5
Industrial machinery and equipment 220.5 218.7 9.2 -14.0 1.1 215.0
Other tangible assets 303.1 297.2 36.5 -27.3 45.5 351.9
Tangible assets in progress 40.5 48.1 58.9 -0.2 -20.9 85.9
Advances and prepayments 2.1 3.1 0.1 1.4 - 4.6
Gross value 1,374.7 1,417.7 120.5 -50.7 0.7 1,488.2
Land 1.8 2.1 0.3 - - 2.4
Buildings 430.4 454.9 26.4 -10.4 -11.4 459.5
Industrial machinery and equipment 174.8 172.2 10.5 -11.5 - 171.2
Other tangible assets 205.8 208.8 33.6 -26.5 11.4 227.3
Amortisation 812.8 838.0 70.8 -48.4 - 860.4
Land 0.2 - - - - -
Industrial machinery and equipment 5.8 6.3 0.1 -3.9 - 2.6
Impairment 6.0 6.3 0.1 -3.9 - 2.6
NET VALUE 555.9 573.4 49.6 1.6 0.7 625.3

Depreciation and amortisation recognised in 2022 for tangible assets and intangible assets included:

  • €157.2 million on a straight-line basis;
  • €0.07 million on a declining-balance basis;
  • €8.8 million relating to exceptional depreciation and amortisation.

NOTE 13. Non-current assets held under finance leases

At 31 December 2022, L’Oréal S.A. no longer held any leased assets.

NOTE 14. Financial assets

€ millions 31.12.2020 31.12.2021 Allocation of technical merger losses Acquisitions/Subscriptions Disposals/Reductions Other movements 31.12.2022
Equity investments (2) 11,530.0 11,066.1 - 6,666.1 - 100.6 17,832.8
Loans and other receivables(3) 39.0 33.6 - 2,560.8 -2,349.1 -22.1 223.2
L’Oréal shares(4) - 8,904.0 - 500.0 - -9,404.0 0.0
Others 4.8 5.4 - 0.7 -1.2 - 4.9
Gross value 11,573.8 20,009.1 - 9,727.6 -2,350.3 -9,325.5 18,060.9
Equity investments 1,085.0 736.4 - 99.1 -49.9 - 785.6
Loans and other receivables 0.5 0.4 - 0.4 -0.4 - 0.4
Others 0.2 0.2 - 0.1 - - 0.3
Impairment 1,085.7 737.0 - 99.6 -50.3 - 786.3
NET VALUE 10,488.1 19,272.1 - 9,628.0 -2,300.0 -9,325.5 17,274.6

(1) Other movements related to equity investments essentially correspond to Euroapi shares in the amount of €74.5 million obtained in connection with the payment of an exceptional stock dividend by Sanofi.

(2) The change mainly corresponds to the subscription by L’Oréal S.A. to the share capital increase conducted by L’Oréal Singapore Ltd (see § Highlights of the financial year).

(3) Movements on loans and related receivables correspond to loans granted and repaid during the year firstly to Finval and secondly to L’Oréal Singapore.

(4) On 28 July 2022, the Board of Directors resolved, in connection with the authorisation approved by the Annual General Meeting of 21 April 2022, to buy back L’Oréal shares in the maximum amount of €500 million. The shares thus bought back for €500 million were cancelled in line with the Board of Directors’ decision on 7 December 2022.

In addition, the shares bought back from Nestlé in December 2021 were cancelled in line with the Board of Directors’ decision of 9 February 2022 for €8,904 million.

The detailing subsidiaries and affiliates is presented at the end of the present notes.