2022 Universal Registration Document

Chapter 1 : Presentation of the Group – Integrated Report

Manufacturing footprint by geographic zone

38 factories in the world

This map shows the manufacturing footprint by geographic zone.

38 factories in the world

North America: 5

Latin America: 4

Sub-Saharan Africa: 3


North Asia: 3

Europe: 20 (including 11 factories in France)

Operational excellence

L’Oréal’s industrial sites use the most advanced technologies –robotic technologies, automation and cobotics (collaborative robots) – continuously adapting to meet the demands of themarket and the diversity of consumer offerings: fromlarge‑scale production plants for the consumer productsmarket to agile plants producing ultra-luxury limited editions.

Regardless the technology used or the market in which it operates, the Group deploys its Operational Excellence System in all its plants throughout the world. This is a systemic approach that relies on the commitment of all Operations employees in technical fields, process control and the culture of operational excellence, to guarantee safety, hygiene, quality, product availability, levels of service, productivity, ergonomics and environmental impact.

Product quality and safety: a priority

Offering consumers the highest quality product is an absolute priority. Over several decades, the Group has set up a single product quality and safety management programme that applies to all its plants and subsidiaries around the world. In 2022, 97% of L’Oréal plants were ISO 9001(Quality Management) certified and 100% were ISO 22716 (Best cosmetics manufacturing practices) compliant.

This unique quality management system guarantees manufacturing excellence and the quality of products with the same high standards applicable everywhere in the world.It includes efficient production methods and stringent control standards: around 100 quality controls are carried out on a single product during the production cycle, from the input of raw materials and packaging to when products leave the plant and heads towards customers and consumers.

The ongoing quality improvement process has been effective as seen in the low rate of consumer complaints in 2022:46 complaints per million products sold(1).

(1) At 30 November 2022.