2022 Universal Registration Document

Chapter 5 : 2022 Consolidated Financial Statements

9.2. Cash and cash equivalents
€ millions 31.12.2022 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
Carrying amount Acquisition cost Carrying amount Acquisition cost Carrying amount Acquisition cost
Marketable securities 718.5 718.5 513.2 513.3 3,739.9 3,743.5
Bank accounts and other cash and cash equivalents(1) 1,899.2 1,899.4 2,200.6 2,201.6 2,666.0 2,680.5
TOTAL 2,617.7 2,617.9 2,713.8 2,714.9 6,405.9 6,424.0

(1) Including €370 million in cash in countries in which cash repatriation is difficult.

Marketable securities consist mainly of SICAV money-market funds and unit trusts (on which the return is based on EONIA). They are considered as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

Term accounts with a maturity of less than three months at inception are shown on the Bank accounts and other cash and cash equivalents line.

9.3. Non‑current financial assets
€ millions 31.12.2022 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
Carrying amount Acquisition cost Carrying amount Acquisition cost Carrying amount Acquisition cost
Investments in non-consolidated companies            
Sanofi(1) 10,621.5 4,033.5 10,472.6 4,033.5 9,304.5 4,033.5
Other listed securities(2) 99.7 95.2 34.5 20.6 30.7 12.0
Unlisted securities(3) 392.6 441.4 277.9 336.4 154.4 244.7
Financial assets at amortised cost            
Non-current loans and receivables 139.0 141.1 135.2 137.2 115.1 117.1
Surplus funds for pension scheme commitments held in assets 400.0      
TOTAL 11,652.8 4,711.3 10,920.2 4,527.7 9,604.8 4,407.3

(1) L’Oréal’s stake in Sanofi was 9.38% at 31 December 2022. The carrying amounts at 31 December 2022, 31 December 2021 and 31 December 2020 (€10,621.5 million,€10,472.6 million and €9,304.5 million (respectively) correspond to the market value of the shares based on the closing price at each of these dates (€89.84, €88.58 and€78.70, respectively). The acquisition cost of €4,033.5 million corresponds to an entry cost of €34.12. The investment is measured at fair value through other comprehensive income.

(2) This heading includes listed securities of biotechnology start-ups as well as Euroapi shares for €71.2 million (reassessed cost) as an exceptional dividend paid in shares by Sanofi.

(3) This heading mainly includes:

  • strategic investments in investment funds measured at fair value through other comprehensive income of which €50 million subscribed over 2021 in the Circular Innovation Fund, €60 million subscribed in the L’Oréal Fund for Nature Regeneration of which €50 million subscribed over 2020 and €10 million subscribed over 2022 and other holdings in start-ups and other investment funds account for the remainder;
  • securities of our subsidiaries in Venezuela de consolidated since 31 December 2015, for €94.4 million fully written down. In the absence of specific events, their acquisition cost is deemed to be the best possible estimate of fair value.
9.4. Other financial income and expenses

This item is broken down as follows:

€ millions 2022 2021 2020
Interest component of pension costs

Interest component of pension costs



Interest component of pension costs



Interest component of pension costs



Other financial income and expenses

Other financial income and expenses



Other financial income and expenses



Other financial income and expenses











