Annex 1: Information in scope of the reasonable assurance engagement

  • Total workforce
  • Percentage of brands managed by women (%)
  • Number of entities that have been awarded the European labels “Gender Equality European & International Standard”
  • Units of finished goods produced (millions)
  • Quantity of bulk produced (tons)
  • Direct and indirect CO2 emissions using the “market-based” and “location-based” methods (tons)
  • Percentage of carbon neutral sites (%) 
  • Total energy consumption (kWh) and by finished good (kWh/1000FG), repartition by source of energy (electricity, fossil gas, fuel, steam, other energies) (kWh)
  • Percentage of renewable energy consumption (%), renewable electricity consumption (kWh)
  • Electricity autoconsumption rate
  • Refrigerant gas leakages
  • Total net water withdrawal (excluding recycled and rainwater used for gardening) (m3) and by finished good (m3/FG), repartition by usage, repartition by source
  • Quantitative water footprint (m3 eq) 
  • Total water withdrawal (m3)
  • Number of waterloop factories
  • Volume of water recycled and used on site or coming from another L’Oréal’s site or from a site other than L’Oréal (m3)
  • Volume of wastewater concerned by the analysis before off-site treatment, before on-site treatment, after on-site treatment (m3), number of sites compliant with 1000 mg/l max. of COD, weight of COD before off-site treatment and after on-site treatment (tons), specific pollution rate released at the exit of the site (g COD/FG produced), sludge in (tons)
  • Transportable waste linked to activity by nature (excluding returnable packaging in rotation, with returnable packaging accounted at source) (tons), returnable packaging in rotation (tons), total waste (excluding sludge) (tons), hazardous and non-hazardous waste (tons), treatment of transportable waste linked to activity (tons), conformity with 10 kg max. of sludge out per ton of bulk produced, waste to landfill, of which for local regulatory constraints (tons), , recovery and material recovery rates (%)
  • Number of sites that have completed a biodiversity inventory, percentage of sites that do not use phytosanitary products in their green spaces (%)
  • Conventional frequency rates, enlarged frequency rates, and severity rates for work accidents
  • Number of social audits carried out during the year and breakdown of non-compliance by subject audited 
  • Share of plastics in packaging of recycled or biosourced origin
  • Ratio gramme of packaging per gramme of formula - intensity

398 pages