In bold, the indicators and information disclosed as such in the management report:
Production | ProductionINDICATORS Number of FPs produced (in millions) |
INDICATORS Quantity of juice produced (in tons) |
INDICATORS Number of hours worked by L'Oréal employees and temporary workers (in thousands) |
Greenhouse gas emissions | Greenhouse gas emissionsINDICATORSEmissions de CO2 Methods " Market-based » and " location-based », scopes 1 and 2 according to the GHG Protocol (in tCO2Eq) |
INDICATORSEmissions de CO2 eq - Scope 3 (in tCO2Eq) |
INDICATORSPercentage change in CO emissions2 per finished product sold (kg eqCO2eq./PF sold), compared to 2016 |
INDICATORSCradle-to-shelf emissions by product sold (in gCO2eq/PF sold) |
INDICATORSPercentage reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from product use compared to 2016 |
INDICATORSPercentage of neutral sites |
Energy consumption | Energy consumptionINDICATORSTotal energy consumption (in kWh, kWh/1000PF, kWh/100h) |
INDICATORSBreakdown by energy source: Electricity, Gas, Fuel, Steam, Other energy (kWh) |
INDICATORSPercentage of renewable energy consumed |
INDICATORSElectricity from renewable sources consumed (kWh) |
INDICATORS Rate of self-consumption of electricity |
Aviation emissions, excluding greenhouse gases | Aviation emissions, excluding greenhouse gasesINDICATORS Refrigerant gas leaks (kg) |
INDICATORS Percentage of sulphur in fuels |
INDICATORS Direct SO emissions 2 (kg, kg/PF) |
INDICATORS Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (kg) |
Water | WaterINDICATORSNumber of Waterloop factories |
INDICATORSTotal net withdrawal/Net water withdrawal (excluding recycled water and rainwater for gardening) (in m3; l/PF, l/100h) |
INDICATORSTotal volume of water consumed by source (in m3) |
INDICATORSTotal volume of water consumed per use (in m3) |
INDICATORS Total volume of on-site recycled water (in m3)/ Total volume of water recycled from another L'Oréal site (in m3)/ Volume of recycled water from sites other than L'Oréal (in m3) |
INDICATORSVolume of wastewater sent for off-site treatment (in m3) |
INDICATORSVolume of wastewater involved in off-site pre-treatment analysis (in m3) / Volume of wastewater concerned by the analysis after on-site treatment (in m3) |
INDICATORS Compliance with 1000 mg/l max. COD before off-site treatment / after on-site treatment |
INDICATORS Number of sites that comply with internal quality standards |
INDICATORSCOD weight before off-site treatment (in tons) / COD weight after on-site treatment (in tons) and specific pollution rate prior to off-site treatment (mg/l) / after on-site treatment (in mg/l) |
INDICATORSTotal water consumption (excluding recycled water and rainwater for gardening) (in m3; l/PF; W/100H) |
INDICATORSQuantitative water footprint (in m3 Eq) |
Rubbish | RubbishINDICATORSTransportable waste excluding rotating shuttle packaging, by nature (in tons and g/PF, kg/100h) |
INDICATORSSludge (in tons) |
INDICATORSTotal waste excluding sludge (in tons; g/FP) |
INDICATORS Compliance with maximum 10 kg of sludge / ton of juice produced |
INDICATORSRotating shuttle packaging, shuttle packaging at source, (in tons) |
INDICATORSTreatment of transportable activity-related waste (in tons) |
INDICATORSWaste sent to landfill, including waste due to regulatory constraints (in tons) |
INDICATORSValuation index and material valuation index (%) |
INDICATORSHazardous / non-hazardous waste (in tons) |
Health and safety | Health and safetyINDICATORSConventional frequency rate of accidents at work |
INDICATORSReported incident rate Expanded total |
INDICATORSSeverity rate of occupational accidents |
Biodiversity | BiodiversityINDICATORSNumber of sites that have carried out a biodiversity inventory of less than 3 years |
INDICATORSUse of plant protection products |