2022 Universal Registration Document

Chapter 4 : Social, environmental and societal responsibility

Breakdown by geographic zone
  Number of hours
Europe EuropeNumber of hours


Latin America Latin AmericaNumber of hours


North America North AmericaNumber of hours


North Asia North AsiaNumber of hours


SAPMENA + SSA SAPMENA + SSANumber of hours


L’Oréal’s strategy for developing its employees and ensuring a competitive advantage is based on four drivers:

  • ensuring that employees have mastered the core skills required for their role;
  • providing an unparalleled training experience that inspires the motivation to carry on learning;
  • enabling the transformation of the company with large‑scale upskilling programmes; and
  • supporting and developing talent at each key stage of their career path.
Training to secure essential skills

L’Oréal equips all employees taking up new positions with JOB MUST (essential skills), to enable them to perform well in their role. More than 30,000 employees benefited from this in 2022.

In order to anticipate these critical skills, the Training Departments of the Divisions and Business Lines work in close collaboration with the Operational Departments. This planning work lays down roadmaps for developing skills in various areas of expertise and identifies the most appropriate learning solutions to meet these needs. The Training Departments in the various Zones play a key role in implementing these solutions. Regional campuses are used to deploy the solutions in every country, and the Training Departments ensure that at least 80% of relevant employees take part in them at the appropriate time in their professional career. In addition to developing these business-line specific skills, and in partnership with the Internal Control Department, the training teams are responsible for rolling out 6 regulatory training courses(1). These solutions were delivered to more than 100,000 employees Group-wide in 2022.

The post-Covid-19 learning environment

After two years during which the majority of training was delivered virtually, classroom-based training was able to resume. The face-to-face format means that inter-personal skills can be enhanced, which are an essential aspect of certain training courses (corporate culture, managerial attitudes etc.). This new mix of online and off-line learning offers greater opportunity for an excellent learning experience, as it can be adapted to regional themes and contexts. The level of excellence is measured by an impact score that consolidates evaluations completed by those participating in each training session. This score is of 80/100.

L’Oréal University supports the Group’s transformation

Training is central to the Company’s major transformations: the challenges of CSR, the digital revolution, which impacts all jobs, the transformation of marketing, the acceleration of e‑commerce and the changes in working conditions and managerial practices.

Organised around major areas of expertise that have an impact on L’Oréal’s transformations (L’Oréal Leadership and Culture, E-Commerce, Data, Tech & Analytics, Marketing, Retail, and Innovation), L’Oréal University’s offerings are open to all employees, regardless of the business line or country in which they work. Around 55,000 employees benefited from this in 2022. This intermingling of different people helps to form a common vision and shared practices within the organisation.

As an example of L’Oréal’s high standards of excellence, in 2021 the L’Oréal University of Leadership and Culture obtained CLIP(2) accreditation from the EFMD(3), the European standard for business schools, which remains valid until 2026.

In order to continue to nurture the Group’s ambition to be the market’s number one Beauty Tech, the University of Tech, Data & Analytics launched the Data4All programme in the second half of 2022. The purpose of this new programme, which targets more than 20,000 employees, is to create a data‑based culture within the company, while training participants in the main principles of working with data.

As a result of the Covid-19 crisis, which has significantly changed consumers’ purchasing habits, the emphasis since 2021 has been placed more firmly on e-commerce and the University of e-Commerce was founded. It is intended for all employees and aims to support the Group’s ambitions for this distribution channel. More than 15,000 employees have been upskilled in this area of expertise.

Since 2014, L’Oréal has deployed a comprehensive Digital upskilling programme, which has already reached more than 65,000 employees. Around 2,000 employees have also been trained in the challenges of the Metaverse and Gaming, both vectors of engagement for consumers.

A new experience in individual development, boosted by state-of-the-art technology

In 2022, L’Oréal implemented a process called CONNECT, which is based on regular “conversations”, to completely overhaul its performance evaluation system. These conversations bring employees together with their managers, as well as with other internal stakeholders, to define their performance and development objectives.

To achieve these objectives, they may select the most appropriate training courses from over 20,000 available resources, developed by L’Oréal or by digital content providers such as LinkedIn Learning, TED, Coursera and Busuu. These conversations provide flexibility as they can be adjusted to suit each individual’s operational reality. To support this brand new development experience, L’Oréal has implemented specific CONNECT training programmes, which benefited 36,000 employees in 2022.

  1. Compliance with Competition Law, Data Privacy for All, I-Secure, Join the Next Shield, L’Oréal Ethics, The Way We Prevent Corruption.
  2. The CLIP (Corporate Learning Improvement Process) programme is the leading independent accreditation system for corporate training functions.
  3. EFMD is the world authority in the accreditation of business schools and corporate learning teams.