2022 Universal Registration Document

Chapter 4 : Social, environmental and societal responsibility

At L’Oréal, HR has become the incubator for country-related ideas and initiatives in the spirit of Simplicity. With the Disrupt HR approach, the Group is continuing to prioritise co-construction and a test-and-learn approach designed to boost agility and respond more effectively to the expectations of employees and job candidates.

For L’Oréal, economic growth cannot be separated from social progress. To support this conviction, the L’Oréal Share & Care programme, created in 2013 and deployed in all our subsidiaries, offers employees a set of benefits organised around four pillars: welfare schemes, healthcare, work/life balance and the working environment. In 2021, these pillars were updated to remain relevant and to meet employees’ needs and expectations at every key moment of their lives.

Emphasis is placed on both physical and mental health and on new working methods. An extensive plan for the renovation of working spaces allows more than two-thirds of employees concerned to work in new or renovated offices and includes the means for hybrid working.

L’Oréal is committed to providing training to 100% of its employees every year, worldwide, with the aim of maintaining their employability over the long-term.

As part of a responsible and innovative social policy, L’Oréal has also developed L’Oréal for Youth, a global programme to promote the employment of young people, which provides them with professional opportunities for work. 25,000 young people benefited from this in 2022. Concrete actions were also taken to improve their employability.

L’Oréal offers its employees a policy of sharing its growth. Profit-sharing programmes have been in place for many years everywhere in the world. L’Oréal set up an employee share ownership plan in 2018, 2020 and 2022. Over 37,000 Group employees worldwide have been able to become shareholders in L’Oréal.

Quality social dialogue is also one of the essential components of the L’Oréal model. It illustrates the Group’s desire to involve employees and their representatives to its development.

L’Oréal acts with the conviction that a policy in favour of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) allows everyone, regardless of their background, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, age or disability, to give their best in the company. This is an essential driver of performance and innovation and is crucial for maintaining sustainable growth. In 2022, L’Oréal launched the L’Oréal For All Generations programme in France, which it aims to introduce internationally on gradual basis.

Preserving employee health and safety Preserving employee health and safety


Moving towards “zero accidents” is the ambition that L’Oréal has set for itself.

Number of injured with lost-time: 118 (L’Oréal employees and temporary staff).

Objective: Conventional Frequency Rate (TFc) < 0.5 for all Group sites.

Conventional Frequency Rate (TFc): 0.62. Enlarged total incident rate reported (TIRe): 1.34.

Accident gravity rate: 0.03.

Recruiting talented employees for the present and future success of the Group around the world Recruiting talented employees for the present and future success of the Group around the world


12,959 employees hired under permanent contracts.

Over one million applications received in 2022.

Over 4.3 million followers on LinkedIn.

Development of employees all along their careers

Anticipate professional changes and the needs for future skill

Development of employees all along their careers

Anticipate professional changes and the needs for future skill


100% of employees trained in 2022.

3,167,802 training hours.

Creating the conditions for a positive and attractive work environment Creating the conditions for a positive and attractive work environment


Share & Care programme launched in 2013 and updated in 2021.

96% of the Group’s permanent employees benefit from financial protection in the event of unexpected life events.

97% of the Group’s permanent employees benefit from healthcare coverage aligned with best local practices.

In total, 86% of the Group’s employees work in countries where there are employee representative bodies (at one of the sites at least).

45% of the Group’s employees are covered by a collective agreement and 97% of them are covered by company collective agreements.

Offering a motivating and competitive remuneration system Offering a motivating and competitive remuneration system


Amounts of profit-sharing schemes: €418 million distributed to employees.

Plan for the conditional grant of shares to employees: nearly 4,200 employees involved.

2022 employee shareholding plan: 35% participation. Insurance and retirement programmes: complementary pension plans in place in 89% of the countries where L’Oréal operates with its employees.

Strengthen gender equality

Accelerate the inclusion of disabled workers

Increase the diversity of socioeconomic and cultural origins in our teams.

Strengthen gender equality

Accelerate the inclusion of disabled workers

Increase the diversity of socioeconomic and cultural origins in our teams.


On 31 December 2022, women represented:

  • 53% of all key positions within L’Oréal S.A.;
  • 57% of all key positions within the Group;
  • 32% of members of the Executive Committee;
  • 50% of members of the Board of Directors.

With the goal of reaching parity up to the most strategic positions.

33 countries are EDGE or GEEIS certified for their gender equality practices and policies☑.

1.9% employees with disabilities worldwide. L’Oréal’s goal is that people with disabilities will account for 2% of the Group’s statutory employees by 2025.

☑ The Statutory Auditors have expressed reasonable assurance about this indicator.