Citizen Day: a day of volunteering for the greater good
Every year since 2010, Citizen Day has given L’Oréal employees an opportunity to volunteer a workday of their time to supporting social or environmental charities and their beneficiaries.

L’Oréal employees demonstrate social engagement
Since 2010, L’Oréal employees have consistently expressed their enthusiasm for our annual solidarity initiative: Citizen Day. The social engagement event is an opportunity for employees to donate a workday of their time to helping an organisation striving to make the world a better place in a wide range of different ways: reducing waste, picking up litter, combatting financial insecurity, ensuring inclusion of people with disabilities, helping people find work and facilitating social integration. It provides organisations with additional resources and skills while giving employees an opportunity to get involved in volunteering and support people who are struggling.

Participation remained strong despite public health restrictions
To meet the heightened need for solidarity across the globe during the pandemic, Citizen Day adapted to suit different local public health conditions. Many employees were able to get back to the usual version of the volunteering event, which takes place out in the field alongside the charities and their beneficiaries. And when public health restrictions made that impossible, Citizen Day innovated to develop hybrid and remote volunteering opportunities.

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Global mobilisation year round
52 countries organised social solidarity or environmental volunteering events in 2021, according to their own schedules and local priorities. To help the most unfortunate, many employees volunteered to prepare meal deliveries with organisations such as Linkee in France and Feeding America in the United States. In Lebanon, volunteers prepared hygiene kits for people experiencing financial hardship. In China and Kenya, employees turned out to help preserve biodiversity in the field, by planting trees for example. In the Caribbean, employees helped collect litter.