New technologies accelerate innovation
With the acceleration of new technologies, Research & Innovation has increased its ability to innovate, create new services and develop new cosmetics products. A real asset for both consumers and research teams.

Personalisation and virtual try-ons: custom beauty
Everyone is unique, which is why L’Oréal is using new technologies to personalise its formulas and products to suit the diverse range of beauty aspirations worldwide. Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Sur Mesure powered by Perso is a perfect example: a smart electronic device that allows consumers to create their own bespoke lipstick at home via a dedicated styling app. Research & Innovation filed several patents related to this innovation and conducted hundreds of tests to validate the largest possible range of colour options. Each of the four colour families taken from the best Yves Saint Laurent lipstick formulas comes in a range of three shades, which can be combined to create over 5,000 possible shades to choose from in a single click.
Personalisation is also a trend in professional haircare. L’Oréal Research & Innovation worked to create a disruptive innovation for hairdressers with Coloright: a patented high-tech platform that combines a hair “diagnosis” with precision algorithms to determine the composition of a colour product and create ultra-personalised shades. The innovation combines two modules. ColorAssistant supports the “diagnosis”, suggests the most suitable shades and develops the exact recipe for the bespoke colour. At this stage, the customer can get a realistic glimpse of the results by using the virtual try-on option. Then, ColorFab prepares the custom colour blend, adjusting the quantity required to suit the length of the customer’s hair. This technology provides two services: it helps hairdressers by allowing them to establish an accurate “diagnosis” and create a personalised shade, and it benefits customers by letting them choose and create a bespoke colour.

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The future of beauty is now!

New technologies for teams
Algorithms and artificial intelligence also enhance the abilities of L’Oréal research teams, particularly in the areas of data processing, modelling tools, and discovery and formulation processes. From the early stages of research to the design of products and services to testing and evaluation, digitalisation supports the work of teams and allows them to bring disruptive innovations to market more quickly. For example, faced with the public health situation created by Covid-19, L’Oréal was able to provide makeup products suitable for mask-wearing during the pandemic. Research & Innovation defined a range of parameters to assess the extent of makeup transfer and alteration to approve compatible, mask-friendly products with suitable staying power. Infallible 24h Fresh Wear Foundation by L’Oréal Paris earned the label following a series of tests by consumers and an AI-powered assessment of results.

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